First year project activities

  • Programmed daily project activities


    (P1) Project event and task (September-October)


    1. Make a photo of the students group: Publish the photo in our Facebook group with the title “The country students group”.


    2. Students enter in our Facebook group (optional): If students have Facebook account they can sign up into the Facebook group.

    This way they even could make some Facebook friends and can know each other viewing their profiles.

    3. Introduce students by padlet: Students introduce themself using Padlet. The Padlet will be post in our eTwinning Space:

    • Add a post on Padlet. They must state: full name, age, school, country, leave a selfi photo. Optional, you can leave a pic of your country, region, location or whatever you want. Students can leave their instagram account.

    4. Students create a video presentation of themselves in English. (e.g using YouTube). 

    5. Students share their video presentations on the twinboard into presentation webpage section of eTwinning space.

    6. Where are we? Use Zeemap to show our partner school location.

    • Use the logo and the website of each partner school pointing your schools.
    • Once everyone in the map, Spain will share it in our Facebook group and in the etwinning space making it public.


    7. Design our project webpage by Stanka


    (P2) Project event and task (November-January)


    Preparing the Italian Mobility


    1. Project logo contest: Each partner school should present a logo for the project. The six logos could be presented into Twin space. Either partner school should vote the other logos (not yours, like Eurovision) giving 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points. Send votes each country to Spain Coordinator. Votes will be shared on etwinning and we could know who was the winner.

    • It could be made through gimp or canva. Maybe there are other dedicated  software.
    • Size of the Logo 500px by 500px
    • Use scalable vector graphics format (SVG) or JPG or PNG
    • If possible create a mini tutorial about how to make the Logo and upload it to the wiki in etwinning.


    2. Make two presentations; one about your school and city, and another presentation about region, culture, country and so on. They should be presented during the Italian mobility. You can use, Prezi or PowerPoint or whatever you want. 

    • Important: You must send all presentations to the Spanish coordinator to be uploaded into our TwinSpace.
    • It could be made a mini tutorial about how to make a presentation in Prezi by a students. If possible upload the mini tutorial to the wiki in the twinspace.


    3. Make a video animated project presentation related to the topic “Flipped Classroom” using PowToon to be presented during the Italian mobility by each partner school.

    • During the mobility we will vote the best project presentation.
    • Important: You must send all presentations to the Spanish coordinator to be uploaded into our TwinSpace.
    • If possible, It could be made a mini tutorial about how to make the video animated with PowToon. Upload the mini tutorial to the wiki in the twinspace.


    4. Teachers carry out a survey to the group of students in each participant school to learn about the social educational environment the student is involved using Survey Moneky. We will summarise and present the outcomes into the eTwinning Space. Link to the Students Survey


    5. Project dissemination: make cloth bracelets with country flags and your school name. (optional)


    6. Make a poster or a roll up related the topic “Flipped Classroom” including logos and school flags with Gimp or Canva or whatever software you want and hung out in the hall school. Another idea is to decorate a door school with a Vinyl poster. (optional)

    • If possible make a mini tutorial about how to make the poster.
    • Upload the mini tutorial to the wiki of the twinspace section
    • Upload the poster to the etwinning

    7. Optional activity: Buy Pendrive with the Logo contest screen printed into pendrive surface. Upload pictures to the etwinning


    8. Make sheets with project logo, who won the contest. Upload pictures to etwinning. (optional)


    9. Exchange thoughts in eTwinning Forums


    10. Start an international survey with Monkey Survey into the webpage. We want to implement a web-based platform to host an international survey to find out the outlook of new methodological educational approaches around the world. Additionally, we will gather all the survey information presenting the outcomes in School Education Gateway and in Erasmus+ Project result (ERP) in a sorted manner. Link to the Teachers Survey


    (P3) Project event and task (March - April)

    Preparing the Poland Mobility

    1. Students in all schools prepare the activity “Be a teacher by one day” where they will have to prepare a transversal subject unit using the flipped classroom methodology to deliver during the second short-term exchange of groups of pupils. This activity will be presented during the third mobility in Poland. The activity should be composed by:

    • A video lesson using Screencast-O-Matic or the Xbox game Bar (Windows + G) or whatever you want.
    • A quiz about the video lesson to know if students understood everything. You could use the software you like.

    There are some apps and software to do this:

    1. You could use software TED-Ed
    2. You could use QUIZIZZ
    3. You could create a video lesson with youtube and then use Kahoot for the quiz.
    4. You could find out other apps or software. There many on the Internet.

    Some guidelines: The idea is that students have the opportunity to put into practice the Flipped Classroom methodology. We could have some workshops where they could present their jobs as they were teachers. 

    2. Make a video lesson about the software you used and upload it into etwinning webpage and Stanka webpage.

    3. Students share online their jobs about “Be a teacher by one day”. The idea is that students share on etwinning theirs jobs as video lessons. During Poland mobility they could decide what was the best job. 

    4. Another possible and alternative activity to the previous is that students  find out and make a workshop about other resources using the Flipped classroom methodology. For example, how to use some of the next apps into the following link: 

    5. Share everything into our webpage (Stanka) (Video lessons and quizzes)

    (P4) Project event and task (May - June)

    Finishing the first year project

    1. Students and teachers analyze results and share experiences on the web-based platform and on Twinspace.

    2. Spread our outcomes and experiences to the rest of the educational community in our local schools. For instance, inviting other teachers to see the methodology used in a lesson.

    3. Spanish pupils, who will participate in the long term studies mobility in Italy, will communicate and introduce themselves to their fellow Italian students.