Decent work and economic growth

  • Decent work, sustainability, growth . . .

    What's the goal here? To promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
    Why? Sustained and inclusive economic growth can drive progress, create decent jobs for all and improve living standards.

    We'll focus on 4 topics:
    + sustainable farming (Portugal)        
    + fairtrade (Portugal)
    + corporate social responsibility (CZECHIA)
    + relevant skills for youth employment in the future (POLAND)

    Task description:
    - create a poster drawing attention to the topic
    - explain general meaning of your topic
    - describe the situation concerning the topic in your country (what is being done, introduced . . .)
    - suggest what else can or should be done about this area in your country
    - state how important it is for you
    - add some visuals (CC photos, symbols, illustrations)

    You're welcome to create your posters using Canva, Piktochart or another tool you know for creating posters. Upload the created posters below 🔽🔽🔽 on TwinSpace. Partner teams will check them out and post comments depicting the situation in their countries.

  • Posters on SDG 8

    Corporate Social Responsibility by Tábor team

    MP4 version

    CSR 1

    Tábor team

    CSR 2

    Tábor team

    Sustainable Farming (Portugal)

    Made by: Francisca Syder, Mª Carolina Ramos

    Relevant skills for youth employment in the future

    The poster created by Kinga and Paulina from the Polish team

    Relevant skills for youth employment in the future

    Made by Julia and Wiktoria from the Polish team

    Relevant skills for youth employment in the future

    Prepared by Julia and Oliwia from the Polish team.