Life below water

  • Why life below water matters. . . 

    Oceans are the world's largest ecosystem, home to nearly a million known species and contating a vast potential for scientific discovery. Decades of irresponsible exploitation led to an alarming level of degradation. The reduction of human activity, brought about by the Covid-19 crisis, is a chance for oceans to recuperate. What's the problem? What can we do?

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    What can we do to use less plastic? by Kopernik, PL

    Tips to use less plastic;
    - Carry reusable shopping bags
    - Give up bottled water- instead, you can use filter bottles
    - Carry your own containers for takeaway food
    - Carry reusable utensils and glass drinking straws
    - Don't use disposable bags, e.g for fruit
    - Buy fresh bread that comes in either paper bags or no bags
    - Choose milk in returnable glass bottles (it's currently difficult to access)
    - Switch to bar soap instead of liquid soap
    - Choose toilet paper that is not wrapped in plastic
    - Carry lunches in reusable containers
    - Choose reusable cloth sandwich/snack bags instead of plastic baggies
    - Learn how to make homemade food and don't buy ready-made food packed in plastic

    Possibilities of reducing plastic footprint, by Kopernik, PL

    If you want to reduce plastic production, you can throw out old plastic bottles and buy reusable bottles with filters. When you go to the shop use your own material, biodegradable bag. Sometimes when you are hungry, you go to the restaurant and you order some food - in this situation you can take your take-away box for it. A lot of plastic is in bottled cosmetics, so if you want you can buy cosmetics in bars instead, for example: lotion, shampoo, deodorant or soap. The change of the world depends on small things, so change your old toothbrush to a bamboo toothbrush. It really works.

    Ways to reduce plastic consumption. by Kopernik, PL

    1. Take your own shopping bag to avoid buying plastic bags.
    2. Give up straws or choose paper ones.
    3. Do not buy fruit packed in plastic.
    4. Store leftover food in reusable jars and do not use plastic boxes.
    5. Avoid using plastic cutlery.
    6. Buy items packed in recycled packaging.

    How could we eliminate plastic? by Kopernik, PL

    1. Use bottles with filters to eliminate too many plastic bottles.
    2. Eat less sweets or bake more healthy
    equivalents to buy less sweets in plastic bags
    3. Buy fruit or vegetables without plastic bags or in ecological, reusable bags
    4. Bring your own reusable bag for shopping not to buy plastic bags
    5. Buy milk in glass, because in my family we drink a lot of milk, so it could help our planet to buy it in glass
    6. Make food at home and try to limit the usage of products in plastic packages
    7. Wrap a sandwich to school in paper or bring it in a launch box
    8. Give up straws or change it for metal or paper ones

    What can we do to use less plastic? Antonie R. and Vilma S., Tábor, CZ

    1. Cloth bag and own bags for fruit and vegetables
    2. Use your own bottle
    3. Recyclable mixed waste bags
    4. stainless steel drinking straws
    5. Wooden toothbrush
    6. There are washable tampons from biogas
    7. Shop in your own containers
    8. Use soaps and shampoos briefly

    What can we do to use less plastic? Marika S., Míša P., Tábor, CZ

    at home we can drink tap water, instead of buying packaged
    we can bring our bag to shop
    use only paper straws
    do not buy food in plastic containers
    give preference to natural materials
    we can upcycle

    How to reduce plastic usage and preserve the oceans, by Clara L., Madalena R., PT

    - Avoid using plastic bags during your trips to the supermarket. Make sure to bring your own reusable bag or purchase one while buying your groceries (most markets and supermarkets sell them near the checkout counter). In addition, make sure to show support for your countries bans or legislation regarding the usage of plastic bags.
    -Pay attention to products that use microbeads, and avoid buying them at all costs! Microbeads constitute small, manufactured, plastic particles that can be as little as less than one millimetre. They are mostly used in cosmetics, such as cleansers and exfoliants. Microbeads are extremely harmful to marine life due to their capacity to carry toxins up the maritime food chain.

    How to reduce plastic usage and preserve the oceans, by Clara L., Madalena R., PT

    - If you need to use Tupperware remember to buy glass or steel ones, instead of the classic all plastic ones. Not only would this help the environment and maritime life, it could also benefit your health since heated plastic containers are connected to cases of cancer.
    - If you’re opting for a delicious sandwich for lunch, an alternative to Tupperware could be to wrap it in foil. Foil is recyclable so make sure to put it in the right bin afterwards. Bon apetit!
    - Never use plastic or even paper cutlery. Paper cutlery tend to have plastic linings and while it may feel nice not to have to do the dishes, the plastic used in those will live longer than your satisfaction! The environment and marine life offer their many thanks!

    How to reduce plastic usage and preserve the oceans, by Clara L., Madalena R., PT

    - If it isn’t already used, try to convince your most frequented coffee shop to substitute disposable coffee cups for mugs. Not only will it make an enormous difference in the environment, it will also force people to live a less hectic lifestyle, sit down, and enjoy a good cup of sustainable coffee! In addition to this, propose an end to the usage of plastic straws.
    - If you are a tea fan instead, you can still do your part! Avoid tea bags, since those use plastic lining. As a substitute, buy a metallic tea strainer and utilize some natural loose tea leaves. These taste more natural and make use of fewer conservators and other unnatural chemicals, so it’s a win-win.
    - If you have to buy something in a plastic container, make sure to look out for the recycling symbol on the containers you intend to buy.

    How to reduce plastic usage and preserve the oceans, by Clara L., Madalena R., PT

    - If it is possible in your country, consider getting your milk delivered to your house in glass bottles, instead of buying it in plastic containers in the supermarket. This is also beneficial to the economy since it brings back a long-forgotten profession: the milkman.
    - An incredibly simple advice not many people follow is to swap the plastic one-time-use water bottle for its more sustainable and environmentally friendly sister, the reusable metal bottle.

    What can we do to reduce plastic use? Carolina Silva and Francisca Syder, Portugal

    Stop supporting companies that produce a lot of plastic.
    Not ever consider plastic as single use, always try to find a new way to use it.
    Educate the small businesses near us on how they can use less plastic (For example not giving straws and plastic cups to their clients).
    Replace our single use plastic products with more durable and plastic free items, as wooden toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo and conditioner and stainless steel water bottles.
    Pay more attention to what we buy at the supermarket and reduce the amount of items with needless packaging we get.
    Be vocal about the plastic problem to our family and friends, so they are also inspired to take action.