Air pollution experiments results


    Air pollution experiments results from Italy

    In this experiment, the students made five different devices to measure the amounts of air pollution around Roncadelle.

    Students creating the devices to measure air pollution.

    One of our students posing with her new air pollution measuring device.


    They selected different places to put the devices, to see how different places in the town are affected by different amounts of air pollution. We had predicted that the device placed next to a main road would be one of the dirtiest, followed by the ones placed close to the ground. After a week, students collected the devices, and brought them into class to compare the results. 

    The tape from the main road is very dirty, as there are many cars driving by. it seemed strange that the tape from the sixth floor is dirtier than the tape from the third and second floors. We thought that the higher floors would be cleaner than the lower floors. We think that the location of the tape is more important than the height, as the tape from the sixth floor is in an area with lots of traffic, causing more air pollution, while the others were next to parks.


    We worked together to create this poster, which the mobility students are very excited to bring to Poland in November, and to learn what results the other students saw with their experiments.


    Air pollution experiments results from Greece

    Our students made their devices and placed them in their village of Platykampos but also on some streets of Larissa, where the traffic was higher.
    It was raining during the week of the experiment, and may have affected the results because there was no dust in the atmosphere.
    The tapes are not dirty, even those that were in the city. Only small combs are stuck to the tapes.

    The students will bring the tapes to Poland


    Air pollution experiments results from Poland

    Air and Light  Pollution  Experiment - Students made their own tools to measure air pollution. Instead of Petri dish they used a cap with sticky tape on. They left the cups in different places, After some time they compared the amout of dust and it turned out that the biggest air pollution is close to the street.
