• Sharing how we have collected informal data before, during and after the activities of the project. The more we build mechanisms into our lessons to collect data, the more likely we can adjust the project for students at different levels.

    Formative assessment.

    Strategies to assess prior knowledge (pre-activities)

    Students need to know that they won't be graded or judged based on the accuracy of their answers, by Catlin Tucker.

    • Concept Map. Ask students to fill in as much information as possible using the structure of a concept map.
    • Online Discussion / Give 5-10 minutes to describe what they know about the topic, concept, historial event, etc. Ask them where they learnt this information - a conversation with a parent, a book, a film, or etc. Eg. via a Google form.
    • Three words Association. Students share the first three words that come to their mind when they hear a topic, concept, etc. Tools like Mentimeter could be used.

    Check for understanding (during the project)

    • Think about how we can use the methods and tools in order to engage all learners in class and get accurate information on their learning process: peer assessment, self-assessment, questioning and feedback techniques, quiz tools, etc.
    • Think about how we will use this information to modify our teaching processes.
    • Present rubrics and ask students if the process is clear. Give students opportunities to adapt it so that they will take part in the designing process of the rubric. If they know the criteria well when they assess peers, they will be able to reflect on their practice better,

    Reflection on the learning (post-activities)

    • Each "Demo" includes an assessment activity at the end of the topic. This data is used to design learning experiences that better meet the needs of the students.
    • The "post-demo" reflection is an opportunity for students to stop and assess what they think they have learned. Students will think about aspects they found difficult and easy to achieve. Teachers will get data before moving to the next step that will be used to adapt the project. Remember we will share the results of the reflections they make after each demo during online meetings. This is how we can improve the project. Therefore, informal talks after each demo is a must to know how they are managing and what ideas they have for the next activities.
    • Personal interviews, learning diaries, forms, exit tickets, three stars and a wish, tell me how, etc.
    • Self-assessment is not about giving a grade, but learning how to improve their work.

    Summary of the assessment activities

    Assessment. Self Demo.

    Assessment. Language Demo

    Assessment. Tech Demo

    Assessment-Art Demo

    7.4. TASK 14: A MEME. Assessment. 

    Assessment Create a poster

    Assessment Nature Demo