"Women and Girls in Science" Library

  • Topic related content here.

    Katherin Johnson

    Watch the movie to learn about her (Spanish version)

    Sophie Germain
    Jess Wade
    Katherine Johnson
    Donna Strickland
    Ada Lovelace
    Women Cientist Comic
    Discovering female scientists

    Spanish version

    Científicas en corto
    Card game
    Books to encourage girls towards Science
    Board games
    Who´s who? game

    Who is she?

    Tecnovation Challenge

    From 10 years old.

    Hypatia taught philosophy and astronomy and she is the first female mathematician
    Maria Skłodowska Curie

    Nobel laureate from Poland

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science
    Sophie Germain
    Jess Wade
    Ada Lovelace
    Katherine Johnson
    Ada Lovelace
    Margaret Hamilton
    Jess Wade
    Polish proposal

    Famous women - pioneers

    Ada Lovelace

    Sc inf San Michele