Our robotic library

  • Rob´s library will include all type of books, stories and movies about robots.

  • Rob´s library

    Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play

    (for teachers, many languages)
    It's a book that introduce how learning with creativity: many reflections, examples about a different way to interpreting pedagogy.


    ( in italian)
    A book written for teachers and their classes by B. Tognolini.


    A nice science fiction movie to watch to reflect together


    (in italian)
    A cartoon for children.

    Programa como un genio (Spanish)

    Scratch video-games design from the beginning.

    Ideas for those with little experience
    Hello Ruby

    A book in many languages that help students to learn coding and how a computer works .


    In this book you can find 4 games made with scratch, explained step by step.... it's only in Italian.. I think

    Robots Robots Everywhere

    It is a small book about robots with ryhms perfect for preschoola an 1st graders.

    The Robot Bedtime Book
    El niño robot

    Song in Spanish

    Robot Party Song
    Brain Breaks, Dance Song
    Robot´s First Day at School


    Teacher´s Magazine

    For English teachers, it includes story, printables and English laguage teaching materials about robots.


    Funny cartoon for little children

    Tom and Jerry

    Robo-cat: cartoon

    Tom and Jerry

    Push-Button Kitty. Cartoon

    The Jetsons I Pronipoti

    Cartoon in italian