Rob & Me evaluation


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  • Teacher´s evaluation results.

    What project activities did your pupils take part in?

    All teachers took part in activities according to their children´s age and equipment availability.

    New methodology

    77.8 % of teachers introduced some changes in methodology.

    Pupils worked in teams

    100% in all partner schools. Some activities were in international teams.

    Curricular integration

    Most activities were integrated in the partner school´s curriculum.

    During school time.

    Most activities were delivered during school time in all partner schools.


    77,8 % of activities were interdisciplinar.

    Key competences

    6 key competences were improved.

    Partners collaboration

    High level of collaboration and contribution to the project by most partners.

    Use of ICT tools

    Wide variety of ICT tools have been used by most partners.


    88.9 % of partners took good care of e-safety rules. Needs some improvement.

    Project aims.

    Excellent achievment of project aims.


    Rob & Me has had an important impact on the school communities in most partner schools.

    Future of Rob & Me

    All partners want to continue in similar project in the future.

    Partner suggestions for future collaboration.

    Some activities need to continue while other need to be improves or introduced.