• How we met for the first time


    The initial teachers meeting was held in Prague on the 4th and 5th of November 2019 and that was the first time we had a chance to see each other face-to-face.

    There were nine teachers working on the project present; two teachers from each visiting country and three teachers from the hosting country. The schedule of this two-day meeting was tight and so it was necessary to work on the individual tasks from early morning until late afternoon. The list of all the matters discussed would be very long and so here is just a selection of them…

    All participating coordinators were welcomed at OA Vinohradská school by the headmaster in the morning of the first training day. Shortly after this welcoming speech all our schools were presented and then we could start working on the specifics of Herit-app project; for example, we had to revise the application form and emphasize all the outcomes which it implies, mobility agreements were prepared and signed, each school´s duties were stated and accepted, final product promotion was discussed, methodologies which will be used were specified (such as Service-Learning or New methodologies for learning about Cultural Heritage) and widely debated were also many more points.

    The visiting teachers had the possibility of discovering the hosting school´s premises and even getting involved in two lessons (English and Spanish one). I have to say that the students showed great interest in the teachers who came to have a look at their lessons. They were curious. However, they were not the only ones since the teachers also wanted to ask them many questions and so they interviewed one another.

    When this Prague meeting was over we were all grateful for it because it gave us precious and needed information that had been much more difficult to work out via virtual reality of internet.


    Check out the following video made by team Hungary:


  • Impressions welcomed here!

    I was really glad to introduce the teachers from Hungary to the students (CZE)! :)

    It was a great pleasure meeting you and working with you face to face! (HUN)

    First meeting

    It was a warm welcome and we felt as if we had known one another forever!!! We in Europe share so many things... (SP)

    Hungarian and lithuanian teachers visited czech students