
  • School:

    The teachers were regularly informed about the activities and achievements of the project. Whenever was needed. Presentations were made in the teaching staff.

    At the beginning, we have done the project leaflet given school community aiming to provide information about the it’s summary, aims, work plan and encourage parents to support projects activities. Parents were informed at the project meetings and the parents meetings conducted in each category separately.

    Representatives of the local community informed. After each international visit, we disseminated the outcomes of each visit.

    Comenius Corner (updated after each mobility): logo, working plan, common final, newsletters, and photos

    We created a Facebook group „European Digital Stories Greece” which was used also to disseminate the results of project common activities and specific activities from the school, the objectives/ outcomes of each mobility, students /teacher’s impressions from meetings, local activities.


    Presentation to our project in TV 100 .