Mario Caro

  • Purchase/sale Orders

    Purchase 200 shares L'Oréal

    Date: 01/31/20
    Price of purchase: 254,75€
    Total: 200*254,75 = 50,950€

    Purchase 200 shares Iberdrola

    Date: 01/31/2020
    Price of purchase: 9,90€
    Total: 200*9,90 = 1,980€

    Pruchase 50 shares Amadeus IT Group

    Date: 01/31/2020
    Price of Purchase: 71,00€
    Total: 50*71,00 = 3.500€

    Purchase 200 shares Banco Santander

    Date: 09/02/20
    Price of purchase: 3,86€
    Total: 200*3,86 = 772€

    Purchase 50 shares ASML

    Date: 09/02/20
    Price of purchase: 278,55€
    Total: 50*278,55 = 13,927€

    Purchase 50 shares Adidas

    Date: 09/02/20
    Price of purchase: 157,95€
    Total: 50*157,95 = 7,897€

    Purchase 200 shares Intesa Sanpaolo

    Date: 09/02/20
    Price of purchase: 2,48€
    Total: 200*2,48 = 496€

    Purchase 200 shares Deutsche Telekom

    Date: 09/02/20
    Price of purchase: 16,28€
    Total: 200*16,28 = 3,256€