FRANCE Dissemination

  • Dissemination of our project in France

    M@thsenvie website

    February 9th, 2019

    Collège Jean Rostand (DRAGUIGNAN) website
    AEFE website

    Agence pour l'Enseignement Français à l'Etranger
    February 27th, 2019


    Carole Terpereau
    Géraldine Mazué
    Valérie LAROCHE

    English blog EREA Alain-Fournier

    Post on the Etwinning group

    National eTwinning Conference 2019

    Carole Terpereau presented this project in a workshop that took place during the National eTwinning Conference in Toulouse (May 2019)

    Académie Aix-Marseille's website