P1 Bilbao Project Meeting 05/11-08/11 2019


    Report: Project Meeting (P1) BILBAO 05-08/11/2018

    Host school: IES Artaza Romo BHI


    Pistoia, Liceo Artistico Petrocchi: Emanuala Orian, Ilaria Mazzoncini, Eliana Princi

    Bilbao, Artaza Romo: Marian Ullibarri, Jorge Beaskoetxea, Maria Eguia, Alberto Abete

    Porto, Escola de Moda do Porto: Márcia Fontes, Cláudia Amaro

    Reykjavik, Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti: Soffia Magnusdóttir

    Agreed decisions:

    General criterion:

    • To disseminate the Erasmus project, expanding the group of participating teachers and students as much as possible

    • Starting from the present meeting each country will collect EVERY public feedback regarding the project (press releases, articles, pictures etc. and will post them on eTwinning)

    • An Evaluation Feedback will be provided after each students’ mobility. The results will be assessed and analyzed by the hosting country (next time Bilbao M1).

    • Each country will prepare Certificates of Attendance for every participating person by the end of every mobility (M) or project meeting (P).

    • As a rule we establish that every teacher involved in Bilbao project meeting (P1) will have to take part into the next project meetings (P2, P3, P4) to allow greater planning continuity.

    • Each participating teacher will sign up on the eTwinning platform

    Next mobilities dates:

    • Bilbao students mobility (M1): 2019, January 28th-February 1st

    • Reykjavik project meeting (P2): 2019, March 25th-28th

    • Reykjavik students mobility (M2): 2019, May 6th-10th

    Criteria for students mobility:

    • Students ages: 16-20 years old

    • Number of students admitted to each mobility from every country: 6 students

    • Level of English language: Intermediate or higher

    • Globally positive marks

    • Good inclination for social activities

    • Availability to host foreign mates

    Tasks for each participating country:

    Each country should

    • Enter St'Art on the school website through a dedicated button

    • Specify the criteria for mobility on the school website in the dedicated button

    • Write a report after each mobility both project meetings and students mobilities (using the present format). Italy will write all the project meeting reports, while the mobility report will be in charge of the host country, because having planned and carried out all the activities it will be easier for them than for others.

    • At the end of each mobility (P and M) enter on Google drive the results: documents and images. Italy will create the folders related to every P and M, but all the members will have to upload materials. For instance for the P1 in Bilbao we will upload the report together with questionnaires, images, but Spain can contribute adding some info about the artist involved in the mobility activity and her project, or Bilbao Arte….as well as every country’s best pics.

    • Formulate an agreement format, to be signed by families and teachers, regarding mobility responsibilities for both teachers and students (including expenses, waivers, hospitality, entries on student health, medicines, allergies, therapies, dietary requirements, etc.)

    St’Art City Program: ACTIVITIES October 2018/March 2019

    City from the St’Art: If I say city, what comes to your mind?(Act. 1)

    Each country will introduce the project to the classes involved through a PPT presentation, the presentation will end on the key question ‘If I say city, what comes to your mind?’

    St’Art Key Question:

    • It is a necessary tool to let the participants enter the project mood and rationale

    • It is the starting point for subsequent activities

    • Each country will collect and share the results.

    Questionnaire (Act.3):

    During Bilbao P1 all the partners cooperated in arranging two questionnaires: a St’Art Questionnaire to be submitted to all the classes, teachers and school staff involved in the project before the first students’ mobility, M1, in Bilbao; the second, End Questionnaire, to be submitted to the same group of participants at the end of the project, that is after the last students’ mobility, M4, in Pistoia.

    • They are a necessary tool to survey the beginning and the end of the project.

    • They must be submitted to both teachers and students.

    • They must be provided on Google Forms

    • Each country will collect and share the results.

    Video(Act. 4)

    Translate 5-8 of the students’ questions into English and use them to create a max 2 minutes long video, with subtitles in English, where the students give their own answers using their mother tongues.

    Presentation(Act. 5)

    BY JANUARY each country will have a PRESENTATION ready, which will include the following items:

    • School presentation

    • Presentation of the city (highlighting issues and strengths)

    • Possible solutions

    CLIL LESSON(Act. 6)

    Each country will prepare a CLIL lesson 1 month/20 days before the mobility. Spain will do it around January 10th in order to give time to the partners to work on it. In this case, it could be some preparatory info on those Bilbao areas spotted by the artist for her workshop, or even a presentation of the artist’s prior projects, as the one she gave us in Gotxo.

    If Spain finds it difficult, a lesson in Spanish can be prepared and translated into English.

    The lesson will be held in the class or classes of the participating country and then uploaded on platforms such as eTwinning or Drive, to record and share the activity.

    The topic of the lesson will concern the main topic of the project: art and the city.

    To develop the CLIL lesson some help can be asked to the school English teachers, since cooperative strategies stay at the basis of CLIL methodology.

    Ted Talks videos available online are definitely useful.

    The lesson will be also shared on Padlet.


    Coordinator’s tasks (Pistoia)

    • To create a TwinSpace on eTwinning platform

    • To create a St’Art Book, both paper and digital, to be filled in especially during M1-M2-M3-M4 by students and accompanying people as well.

    Individual tasks:

    MárciaFontes: in charge of Facebook and Instagram pages

    CláudiaAmaro: will organize the agreed questionnaires (1 for students, 1 for teachers) on Google Formand the related feedback evaluation online format.

    Will open ‘St’Art Padlet’

    Erasmus Agency requests:

    To insert the Erasmus activity in the lesson planning of each teacher.


    Each country will try to involve the mayor of their city by presenting the project and inviting him/her to take part in a meeting in Pistoia in spring 2020.

  • Pictures

    Bilbao Project Meeting



    Weekly Program