LOGO contest



    1. Theme

    Four European partner schools working together in the Erasmus+ project St’ARTcall for tender for the development of a logo representing the project St’ART. The aim of the tender is to make the project recognizable at the participating schools and in the general public.

    The project St’ARToffers students from the participating schools to gain new skills through various workshops and helps them to be more involved in community developments by investigating the needs of people living in cities and by developing activities meant at raising awareness around active citizenship. Furthermore they have the opportunity of increasing their awareness about the value of creativity as a possible instrument for social change.

    The aim of the tender is the development of the project logo. The logo must incorporate the assets of the project, i.e. the importance of art as a power to change things, in particular by using its strength to describe our cities and think them as communities, as places where to meet and exchange experiences. The key word could be ART WANTS TO LIVE THE CITY for giving it new vital impulse. Other values could be co-operation, team-work, partnership, exchanges, communication, etc


    The final design has to include the words St’ART, and/or an accompanying image.

    Participants have to present combinations of the elements mentioned above.

    3. Participation:

    All students from the four partner schools are invited to participate in the tender. The call for tender will be published on the official project web site and on the respective school web sites.

    4. Conditions for participating:

    - Students have to submit the logo in black-and-white and colour variations. 

    - Designs have to be drawn in vector shape

    - Typefaces and font sizes have to be defined

    - Colours for print and digital use have to be defined (CMYK and RGB) 

    - Participants must submit a written argumentation of their designs (max one page long)

    - Participants should submit examples of applications (for example letterhead on standard A4 paper, T-shirt design, badges or other promotional material…) 

    - One author or group of authors can submit several designs.

    Designs which will not satisfy the requirements listed above will be eliminated and will not be graded by the evaluation committee.

    5. Evaluation criteria:

    - recognisability of the basic aims and uniqueness of design   10 points

    - originality                                                               10 points

    - visual impact, aesthetics                                                  10 points

    - applicability also in 3D for designing gadgets                       10 points                               

    - memorability of the design                                                10 points

    The maximum number of points is 50. The student with the highest number of points will be the winner. If two or more students get the same number of points, the committee will select one of its own accord by voting.

    When grading, written argumentations will also be taken into consideration.

    The committee will issue a report about the grading of the designs.

    6. Evaluation committee:

    - two teachers from each of the four partner schools – eight in total

    - two students from each of the four partner schools (not competing in the tender) – eight in total

    Committee members do not vote for designs made by students from their own school.

    7. Deadline and participation:

    Evaluation will be carried out in 2 stages - school voting and international voting.

    School stage

    Students hand in their designs to their mentors, who thereafter send them in electronic form to the drive folder of the local coordinator under a code name - names of students and schools must not be part of the file name.

    The selected designs must be sent in electronic form to a folder on drive.google.comby November 26, 2018. 

    Students must submit their designs in pdf format (minimum of three pages of A3 paper format)

    • on the first page there should be a black-and-white design (different sizes of the logo; positive, negative and the outline of the logo, the name of the project, possible combinations of symbols or other images)
    • on the second page there should be colour solutions and combinations with colour definitions
    • on the third page possible applications should be presented
    • if one student has designed several applications, more pages can be added


    Apart from that, students must submit a written argumentation of their designs in pdf file format (A4 paper format).

    Between November 26 and November 29, a committee composed of 2 teachers and 2 students will evaluate the submitted works applying the point criteria mentioned above. They must choose up to 6 the best works.

    International stage 

    Until November 29thschool stage will have been completed in all partnership countries and the local project coordinators will have sent the maximum of 6 best logos to the drive folder.

    Then again a jury composed of 2 students and 2 teachers will vote for the best designs applying the point criteria as in the school stage. However, they will not be allowed to grade the logos from their own country.

    The stage finishes on December 4. Until then the local coordinator will have completed a table with their points in the drive folder.

    8. Selection:

    The committee will announce the winner by December 5, 2018. The committee's decision is final. 

    9. Awards:

    Students who have been awarded the first three places get a diploma for having successfully participated in the international tender for the Erasmus+ project St’ART. The committee can also decide to give the winning students a special prize.

    10. Copyright:

    The author of the winning design has moral rights and will be named in the impressum on the project webpage. Since the project does not provide for money compensation, the author of the winning design cannot claim it. All the participants agree to use the winning logo solely for the purposes of the project and the presentations of the project even after its termination. The winning design must not be used outside the project. The non-winning designs can also be used inside the project and when presenting the project. The authors of the non-winning designs also have moral rights and their names should be listed when using their solutions.

    11. Agreement:

    Those participating in the project fully agree with all the rules and provisions of this tender.

    12. Additional information:

    For additional information please contact the project coordinator contact person Ilaria Mazzoncini mazzoncini.ilaria@liceoartisticopistoia.gov.itor your local coordinator. 











