Math Project

  • Projects in math :


    First part : The shortest way :


    In all eras, man has tried to optimize his travels, he created paths.

    Here are some examples of pupils' works concerning the research for the shortest path to connect two points via a straight line.

    The objective was to test paths, to see the average of the lengthes of paths, to see the percentage of optimization of the length by taking the

    best way and to make a graph recapitulating the lengthes according to the distance of the starting point.

    In year ten ("troisième") and in year eleven ("Seconde"), we would have been able to find an equation and to have a

    function to draw.

    The solution was verified by axial symmetry


    Pupils' statements:

    Un enfant part du collège et rentre à la maison, mais il doit chercher de l'eau pour sa mère. Quel est le chemin le plus court pour faire cela ?


    "A teenager is in his school, he needs to go to his house, but before he needs to take water for his mother.

    Which way is the the shortest way to go to his house?"




    "A thief wants to steal a ring decorated with diamonds in a jewelry shop. First, he has to find his gun hidden in St Georges street.

    Where, in St Georges street does he go and find his gun ?

    ( he takes the shortest way between his house,  St Georges street and the jewelry shop)"


    "Peter wants to go to the pub with his friend. But before, he has to take water in the river which is next to his house.

    What is the shortest way to go to the river and then to the pub ?"


    Pupils's work :