

    LTTA C2- Leadership - taking groups out-of-doors

    BLUE FLAG activity

    During LTTA C2 in the Azores, the students prepared some posters and slogan to protect the ocean from plastic use.

    Each class prepared how to defend, promote and increase animal protection. 

    Students have prepared some songs about the use of plastic. 
    On June 5th, as part of the Erasmus + KA2- “Learning by Doing” Project, students in the 1st cycle of Francisco Ferreira Drummond Elementary School made a study visit to the coastal area of Biscoitos, on the north coast of the island. 
    Previously, students worked on the importance of creating a petition to minimize the use of plastic, thus trying to warn of the harmful consequences of long-term use.
    The official launch of the petition was made in the Biscoitos Bathing Zone, with the presence of Helder Xavier, representing the Terceira Island Natural Park, the President and Vice-President of the Biscoitos Parish Council, two members of the National Guard Republican responsible for the Environment, the President of the Executive Board of the Organic Unit, the students of the 2nd and 4th grades, as well as the foreign teachers (UK, Poland, Romania, Italy and Finland) involved in the project.


    Online Petition



    Subsequently, Eng. Helder Xavier gave a mini-lecture to raise awareness of the endemic flora of the shoreline to encourage the young to preserve and care for the island's coastal areas. With the impact of tourism and the increase of visitors to the bathing areas, it is important to make children aware of the respect for nature and the environment.


    Animal Protection - Whale watching

    On June 7th, as part of the activities outlined for the "Blue Flag" - Environmental Protection, the 2nd and 4th-grade classes of the Francisco Ferreira Drummond Integrated Elementary School, involved in the Erasmus + KA2 Project - “Learning by doing ”and the European partner teachers conducted an observation of cetaceans and dolphins. Through this activity, students were able to live a new experience, recognizing the species and learning on the spot. This activity allowed the analysis of resident and migratory and common or rare species.


    The students of the 2nd year, class 3, built a plot for the elaboration of a Carnival Ballet. The parents, the tutor Vanda Pimpão and the teachers Ana Simões and Grinoalda Ávila played a very important role in the preparation of Music and props for Bailinho. The goal was to make viewers aware of the importance of saving the oceans from using plastic.
    On June 4, the class performed at Arraial da Saúde, with the presentation of Bailinho - "FOR A CLEANER OCEAN".




    On May 28, several classes collected garbage on the coast of Baía das Mós and Baía da Salga, in partnership with the Parish Council of S. Sebastião, with the main objective to make students aware to the correct destination that we should give our waste to avoid sea pollution.