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    Hello everyone ... here find our presentation on our Country!


    Mehmet Akif Ersoy İmam Hatip Secondary School (Zeliha Çiçek,Alis Konakçı)



    Welcome to Italy by ICS "L. Montini" di Campobasso

    GoConqr Mindmap

  • Visit my country

    Working on the task

    The students really liked working on the mindmap in GoConqr. First, they decided what place they add to the mindmap (what place they would show to their parners if they visited our country), googled some information about the places and wrote entries about them. (Natalia, Serbia)

    Visit our region: Molise

    Our students have worked with enthusiasm on the task: they have chosen what to show drawing a map first. Then they looked for good photos either on the web or pictures taken by themselves. After that they wrote the captions and used pic collage. Finalyy they created the mind map on goconqr. Tiziana Pierini "Montini" School- Italy

    Visit our country

    Students reaaly liked preparing posters of their favorite places in our country and felt happy to use GoConqr. They searched for best photos of the places and information. They generally used OicCollage and Designcap while preparing posters. (Hande, Turkey)

    Visit My Country

    The students prepared an outline about their cities by using GoConqr. They liked it because it was a new way of working on a task.Also they were excited about giving information of their hometowns.(Zeliha Çiçek and Alis Konakcı,Turkey)

    Visit our country - Italy

    The students are creating the mind map of Italy with Goconqr
    "Montini" School - Tiziana Pierini