MTF TWINSPACE general info

  • Dear Visitors.

    This page gives you some essential information about our project and explains how to navigate through its content.

    Our TwinSpace has been created to share teaching materials we produce in the MTF project.

    How the pages are organised

    You can see the materials produced for the subsequent project meetings - C1, C2, .. C6 on the appropriate page, eg. "C1 results" contains materials and ideas collected during the C1 visit in Madrid, and so on. These pages are edited in English.

    Schools' pages containing project results 

    We hope to proeduce more materials in our native languages and they can be reviewed on each partner school's page. E.g., if you would like to see the materials produced at IES Gerardo Diego, visit their page:  Spain - IES Gerardo Diego.

    Guest schools

    Zespół Szkół Nr 49 in Warsaw, Poland, has invited another Polish school to cooperate in the project and you can see their materials on the subpage "Szkoła Podstawowa nr 12 im. Z. Glogera w Białymstoku".

    Other partners can invite guest schools to share their materials with us.

    About the project

    The project has been developed on the basis of the previous Erasmus+ school partnership between Zespół Szkół Nr 49 in Warsaw, Poland, and IES Gerardo Diego in Pozuelo, Spain. We invited 4 more countries to work with us: Italy, Greece, Romania and Portugal. Poland remains the coordinating country.

    Have a look at the map and see where the partnership schools are located.

    On the national levels, the project is open to all teachers and students willing to participate in it, however, the international programme is addressed to pupils aged 13-15. It will be conducted from 1 December 2018 to 30 November 2020.

    The core project activities / mobilities are presented here:

    MTF_noticepad z logotypami.docx

  • Logos and important pics