Fyllingsdalen High School is located just outside Bergen City Center, the second largest town in Norway.
The school was built in 1980 and has around 550 students and 80 employees.
The school is a combined school; it is a high school and vocational school.
The school receives students from nearby secondary schools and students from other places in Bergen.
Fyllingsdalen High School is a school that has many students with another mother tongue. Almost 30% of the students have another native tongue than Norwegian. Some of these students are refugees, others are children of working immigrants and others have mom or dad from another country.
The school's students all have their own laptop. The school has extensive experience with the use of information technology in teaching.
The school's management and all employees work systematically to give the students the best possible prerequisites for learning in a good learning environment.
The school have different projects throughout the year. The aim of these projects are to give the students good conditions for learning. Some of the projects
Fyllingsdalen high school have initiated in recent times to become a better school:
• 5 points to create a good work and learning environment at Fyllingsdalen:
1.We meet precisely - We meet precisely for the hours, for appointments with teachers, counselor, and deliver school work at the agreed time
2.We keep the order - We keep the order and clean up after us in classrooms, corridors, canteen or in the school area. Keep track of your school cases and follow the school's rules of procedure
3.We are prepared - We do schoolwork and homework and keep us informed about plans and activities
4. We give each other peace of mind to work. - We follow teacher instructions during school hours and do not make noise and noise during the hours and in school building
5. We show respect for each other - We act politely and with respect to fellow students and employees
These rules are available on poster in all classrooms.
• School breakfast – The school serve free breakfast in the canteen at. 07:30 - 08:00 Monday to Thursday every week.
• Red cross homework - The school has a collaboration with the NGO Red Cross. People from Red Cross offer help with homework once a week, in the canteen at. 16:00 - 18:00 every Wednesday. Free food (soup / bread) from kl. 3:30 p.m..The offer is free and the students get both a snack and the opportunity for better grades.
• VIP - The school annually performs a program on mental health, VIP. The purpose of the VIP program is to guide and inform pupils and teachers about mental health and mental health problems in adolescents to make students better equipped to take care of their own mental health. The program focuses on common youth problem.
The school has participated in some international projects. The current school year is attending school in a Nordic project with the aim of including all students. The managers and employees who have participated in a project have returned to school with new knowledge and new ideas. This has helped develop the school to the way it is today. We have a school with a good sharing culture, so that everyone in the school can share in new knowledge.
Our school now has a strong desire to participate in a new project and learn from other European schools. We are particularly interested in deserving our use of information technology. It is documented that in Norway it is more difficult for non-ethnic norms to find work after school. Working out knowledge about how our students can qualify and work out in working life after school is very relevant just for our school.