Cooperation Meeting 1

  • Date, Time, Agenda and Material

    Date and Time for the Cooperative Meeting

    Project teachers and pupils meet each other on

    Wednesday March 6th at 09:45 CET

    (that's 09:45 for Polish class, 10:45 for Lithuanian, Estonian and Greek classes).


    We are meeting for approximately 45 mins (hopefully for 60 mins).

    1. ATeachers' introductions (country, full name, subject they teach) 5 mins

    1.B pupils' introductions in TGs (just country, not their names) 10 mins

    2. Presentation of paintings by country- voting by all project pupils. (15 mins)

    Each country presents 4 paintings created by national artists and depicting people. The pupils show each one of the 4 paintings on camera and they provide information such as the title of the painting and the name of the painter. Teachers may wish to add some more info about the paintings (that's optional).

    Poll 1- All project pupils choose one out of the four paintings by raising their hands. Each project class submits its vote using a poll tool. The painting which gets most of the votes is the painting that will represent the specific country in a collage of paintings. The same process is followed by all 4 countries.

    3. Presentation of films by country- voting by all project pupils. (15 mins)

    Each country presents 2 movies which are shot in the national language and they are popular among the people of the country or they are famous around the world e.g. they have been awarded the Academy Award for Foreign Film (Oscar) OR have had some other important recognition. The pupils show the movie title of each one of the two films and they provide information such as the title of the movie, name of the director, year of release. Teachers may wish to add some more info about the paintings (that's optional).

    Poll 2 - All project pupils choose one out of the two movies by raising their hands. Each project class submits its vote using a poll tool. The film which gets most of the votes is the film that will represent the specific country in a collage of movies. The same process is followed by all 4 countries.

    Poll 1 for Greek paintings

    Poll 2 for Greek movies

    Poll 3 for Polish paintings

    Poll 4 for Polish movies

    Poll 5 for Estonian paintings

    Poll 6 for Estonian movies

    Poll 7 for Lithuanian paintings

    Poll 8 for Lithuanian movies

    3. If we manage to finish 1 and 2 in time, we may proceed with a short game of Kahoot about the project countries. If we don't have time, pupils will be given the code number to play the game in class later.

    All the above are mere suggestions. Feel free to share your thoughts and change the tasks so that we all (pupils and teachers) have a nice time together.

    Material: 4 paintings from each country, 2 movies from each country, a game of Kahoot (The materila is collected on the TwinBoard below)

    Pupils will introduce themselves in TGs.