Project Evaluation

  • Which activity you liked best?
    Music Activity: Singing a partner's Christmas song
    3 votes (9.38%)
    Architecture Activity: presenting my country's monumnets
    4 votes (12.50%)
    Painting Activity: presenting my country's paintings and voting for my favorite painting form each partners' collection
    13 votes (40.63%)
    Cinematography Activity: presenting my country's movies and voting for my favorite movie form each partners' collection
    6 votes (18.75%)
    Answering partners' questions about my country-asking questions about theirs
    3 votes (9.38%)
    Voting for an adventure story title
    1 vote (3.13%)
    Contributing to the project story
    1 vote (3.13%)
    Voting for the project logo
    1 vote (3.13%)
  • Evaluation by Pupils & Teachers


    by pupils

    Favoring Estonian song &

    Lithuanian painting

    Favoring movie about Estonia and

    a Lithuanian sculpture

    Painting was the

    most popular activity

    Monuments and Christmas songs

    were popular among partners

    Teachers' Evaluation
  • Project pupils take the poll below to evaluate the project. Some of them also use the dedicated Discussion Forum (see bottom of the page) to commnet on the project activities they favor. The Forum posts can be seen on the TwinBoard below.