Meeting with parents and farewell party

  • Last day was time meet all together (students, parents and teachers) in order to celebrate. 

    We met in the assembly hall at school

    After some welcoming words by the Deputy Headmaster...

    ...teachers made their speeches.

    And, of course, pupils, true protagonists of the mobility, took the floor and showed their presentations:

    We also had a little surprise. Some students who took part in our project come from Morocco and Ecuador and shared with us some traditional dances dressed in traditional costume. In spite of living together for a long time, families got susprised and knew a different folklore. 


    And finally parents organize a farewell dinner at our gym. Some traditional recipes were offered. A simple but warm (in spite of the cold winter) way to share our food and finish this intense meeting:

    Everybody passed by our photocall to have a little fun: