Greek Delegation's Mobility to Poland - VI LO Białystok/4 Lykeio Alimos Athens

  • Mobility to Białystok, Poland (25.02-02.03.2019)

    1st Day- Monday

    The Greek delegation finally arrived…

    Two Polish teachers Joanna Sawicka and Karolina Plichta came to welcome everybody at the airport. Then we stopped in the Old Town of Warsaw to see a bit of the city by night. We showed them the Sigismund’s Column, the Royal Castle, the Castle Square, the Old Market Place with the ice rink in the centre and St Ann’s Church. Then we went to Białystok where the Polish students were waiting anxiously to meet the guests.

    2st  Day- Tuesaday

    On the first day our guests were greeted by the King and Queen according to our school  tradition and the Principals of two cooperating schools gave short speeches. Then, the royal couple had a privilege to give little presents to every participant.  After the official part we began with the presentations, Greeks presented their beautiful country, culture, traditions and played a short video about their school (made by students). The Polish did the same and offered sightseeing of VI LO in real (students as guides). Then we all got together in the gym to practice a traditional integrating dance called Belgian dance, Polish students taught the Greeks. Everybody had good time. After the short break, we went to the common room for the ice breaking mediation activities. When the school activities ended, we all headed to the theatre as we were about to visit the backstage. Students could see many different props, costumes, installations. In the old wardrobe there was even a possibility to try on the costumes which weren’t in use any more. After the visit to the theatre, the Greeks and Polish all went together for the city tour which included: The Branicki Palace, The Fara Church, the Town Hall and the Main Square, St. Nicolas Orthodox Church and the New Opera House. Then there was time to spend with the peers at the ice rink. Some of the students visited the ice rink for the first time and they really loved it.


    3nd Day- Wednesday

    The second day of the mobility also began with the integrating dance. Wednesday was all devoted to mediation activities.  Greek students prepared presentation on mediation which was then discussed. Aliki Giatra –the Greek  Vice Principal was training all of us, emphasizing the most important points of the method. After the short break we got together in the gym as our local TV paid a visit in our school. The Coordinator of the programme- Joanna Sawicka was being interviewed first. She talked about the programme itself and emphasized the mediation’s role in every participating country. Then Hara Panopoulou- the Greek Principal granted the interview, and was followed by some of the Greek students. Then the Polish Theatre Club appered on the stage to present  short simulated role-plays on mediation. We all enjoyed watching young actors interpreting the activities which were supposed to be discussed that day. Then there was time for the Greek students to teach us Greek traditional dances like Sirtaki etc. The day ended with the workshops in the common room discussing the plays in small international groups.


    4rd Day- Thursday

    We got together by the Branicki Palace to go for a educational trip to the nearby town called Supraśl. We participated in the workshops in the Paper Art Museum. All students could see how paper is made, which tools were traditionally used to print pages in books and make their own ones as well. Then we visited the Orthodox Monastery with the Annunciation main Church still being under redecoration. After that we had a guided tour in the Museum of Icons to see and understand the whole process of creating the icon.  In the middle of the day we took a little train to visit the town Supraśl. The train took us to the forrest’s cabin where we lit the bon fire and cooked sausages over it. It was a very special time for all of us.  The weather was quite chilly, but no one minded….


    5th Day Friday

    In the morning all the students participated in PE classes led by Agnieszka Śledź-Dźwigaj and played volleyball. Meanwhile the coordinating teachers had an appointment to discuss Erasmus+ application form and settle the the video conference. The students watched the prezi presentation to sum up what has been discussed till now.  The link to the presentation

    Then there was free time with peers and their families. At 6 pm. We all gathered to have a Farewell Party at school. The school’s Principal – Dariusz Naumowicz gave the participants Certificates of Attendance and a short speech. Then Hara Panopoulou- the Greek Principal thanked us for organising the mobility and explained how important it was for the future programme development.

    After the official part everybody went to the School Museum to visit and write a dedication in the Guest Book. Then the party started….. eating, dancing, talking…

    Hope everyone really had a great time just as I did!


    6th Day Saturday

    It was an early departure… Everyone was on time, students said goodbye, thanked for hospitality and left for Warsaw airport.





  • Mobility to Poland

    Warsaw by night

    On the arrival day in Warsaw


    The royal couple is opening the meeting

    The Principals

    On the first day at school in Białystok

    The Belgian Dance

    The best integration ever...

    In the main hall

    Students watching presentations


    Discussing the role plays

    Theatre Club

    Role plays by young school actors

    At the backstage

    Trying on costumes..

    Paper Art Museum in Supraśl

    Making own paper

    Young Greek artist

    The mediation song by Artemis


    Cooking sausages over the fire

    Official part

    The farewell party

    Certificates of Attendance

    The Principal giving the participants their certificates

    School's Museum

    Paying a short visit to the School's Museum


    Hara Panopoulou is writing a dedication in the Guest's Book

    Evaluation of the mobility

    Students are writing what they liked about the mobility most

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