• Timetable of the activities

    taking into account the health emergency


    January, February and March 2021

    Online seminars, workshops and ICT/Web.0.2online activities with students and teachers from all schools will be organised for a period of three months.

    1- each school will have to start dealing with the following activities in January:

    1. A short theory refreshing on school mediation. 
    2. A general approach of what civic engagement means.
    3. An analysis of what the relation between school mediation and civic engagement could be.
    4. Workshops based on case studying either fictitious, or real (bibliography) or expertising, as announcements, role playing, video storytelling, documentary, surveys, questionnaire, music/dance events, skitchography.
    5. Students’ suggestions /ideas for workshops.
    6. Monitoring.


    2-  The first online activity/workshop will be at the beginning of February


    Attendees: 5 students, 4 teachers per school/or more

    Title: Civic engagement and School Mediation

    Host: AEJAC


    3- The second online activity will be at the end of February, possibly on the 26th.

    Attendees: 5 students, 4 teachers per school/or more

    Title: The Diary Case-studying and Storytelling.



    4- the third online activity will be in March, possibly on the 30th

    Attendees: 5 students, 4 teachers per school/or more

    Title: European Citizenship Skills and School Mediation.

    Host: VILO

    In April the whole pandemic situation in the EU will be reviewed and, depending on it,

    1. a teaching, learning live activity, live C3 mobility (end of May or end of June)


    1. a teaching, learning virtual mobility, virtual C3 mobility (17-21/5/2021)

    will be arranged.

    Starting from January 2021 all partners should begin preparing the activities planned during the teachers’ meeting in Malta for C3 mobility “School Mediation and conflict resolution in the perspective of civic  engagement and European Citizenship Skills”, which will be hosted by AEJAC/Peso da Regua/Porto/Portugal.

    The agreed tasks, focused on SCME + Civic Engagement + European Citizenship, are:


    How SCME can help to create active and aware citizens towards the Civic Engagement and European Citizenship/interviews


    Cultural Mediation towards Civic Engagement and European Citizenship


    Exclusion-Dialogue-Civic Engagement and European Citizenship


    Coming soon…………………………..


    Activities for the next two months:

    A questionnaire for all the students of the school. The questionnaire on “School Mediation and conflict resolution in the perspective of civic engagement and European Citizenship Skills” will be prepared by the two classes involved and the results will be analysed.

    The students will then produce:

    -  a Quiz with Kahoot (this will be something that can be used in every school and will help spread knowledge about mediation and its relationship with civic engagement and European Citizenship)

    - Comics with stories that exemplify how mediation contributes to training the citizens of tomorrow

    - a game on the topic (similar to snakes and ladders) with 10/15 cards containing questions about mediation and citizenship.

    4 GELA

    Case studies from the Diary connected to civic engagement and EU Citizenship, the ICT presentation tool which could be a mind map or a vlog or a Prezi.


    In the meanwhile all partners should prepare:

    1. Fb/Instagram accounts/ scme promotion (online).
    2. Posters on the schools’ walls (when back at school).
    3. Instagram chat for students to ask for scme help (online).
    4. Instagram profile by mediators (online).
    5. Mediators: workshops, ice-breaking activities, easy communication, easily change information (could be online).
    6. Students’ representatives and students’ committees should be aware of scme processes in schools and should collect case studies each second week and work upon them (until March).
    7. Mediation/audition room/photos posted for e-newsletter and the website.
    8. Full dissemination process of scme to all school communities from students participants at C2 Mobility. Students’ presentations to all classes about scme and Malta’s jobs (online).
    9. Scme brochures, video walls around all schools, photos posted for e-newsletter and the website (when back)
    10. Seminars by experts and workshops at schools, shareable online.
    11. Promotion at the local community for all school levels (primary, lower secondary schools) when back at schools.
    12. A radio-station about school mediation
    13. A must when everybody is back at school:  a Diary shall be kept by all the C2-C3 students-participants for one month on which all conflict cases inside and outside their school daily life will be written down and then students will work upon this at the next mobility in workshops. This activity will take place as soon as we return to schools. The one month diary will be defined (start-end dates) when everybody is back.


    It is also recommended to:

    1. use the TwinSpace of the eTwinning project to communicate and share activities and materials.

    On January 15th  Mariella Brunazzi and  Joanna Sawicka will give an online presentation on how to use the eT platform, twinspace, tools etc to allow safe communication among all participants and updatings.

    2.  set up an Erasmus corner at each school 

    3. post photos related to the project to the Portuguese team for the e-newsletters and to the Italian (Sraffa) team for the website.