• 1.  1st Joint Staff Training Event

    1. Seminar on  Conflict Resolution
    2. Seminar on School Mediation
    3. Workshops: Practice – Interactive Activities

    2.   Malta/Sliema:  

    Period: 17th February-21th February 2020

    Arrival: 16th February; Departure: 22th February 2020

    Duration: 7 days

    Participants: 2 teachers, 5 students

    Accommodation: paid host families for students (two students per family; bus pass, breakfast and dinner), lunch at school (finger food), cost per student per day 15 euros; hotel with breakfast for teachers

    Topic: School Mediation and Inclusion-Equity skills


    Logo contest: Deadline 20th January (each school prepares one logo to be chosen during the mobility in Malta)

    Erasmus Corner:  to be organized in each partner school by the end of December

    Presentations/materials: each school prepares material for the mobility to Malta:

    Poland- 3-5 short films on conflicts/inlcusion with 2-3 different endings to be discussed in groups;

    Bari (Italy)- simulation of a conflict/role plays;

    Portugal- short films on school mediation, inclusion, equity;

    Crema (Italy)- brainstorming, paper posters with 10 rules on mediation, survey -video with an interview by peers;

    Malta and Greece- cooperation with a partner school on inclusion/equity issues among students and then according to the results and presentation making of a role play in common from both schools’ students.

    Prepare debate over the gathered/presented materials


    At the meeting:    Logo contest




    Postponed due to the health emergency caused by covid-19

    3. Portugal/Godim area; town: Peso da Regua:  

    Period: 27th April-1st May 2020

    Arrival: 26th April; Departure: 2nd May

    Duration: 7 days

    Accommodation: host families for students; hotel for teachers

    Further mobility details will be discussed in Malta on February.


    Presentations / tasks

    FOCUS: SCME + Civic Engagement + European Citizenship


    How SCME can help to create active and aware citizens towards the Civic Engagement and European Citizenship/interviews


    Cultural Mediation towards Civic Engagement and European Citizenship


    Exclusion-Dialogue-Civic Engagement and European Citizenship


    Coming soon…………………………..28/2 deadline


    Activities for the next two months:

    A questionnaire for all the students of the school. The questionnaire on “School Mediation and conflict resolution in the perspective of civic engagement and European Citizenship Skills” will be prepared by the two classes involved and the results will be analysed.

    The students will then produce:

    -  a Quiz with Kahoot (this will be something that can be used in every school and will help spread knowledge about mediation and its relationship with civic engagement and European Citizenship)

    - Comics with stories that exemplify how mediation contributes to training the citizens of tomorrow

    - a game on the topic (similar to snakes and ladders) with 10/15 cards containing questions about mediation and citizenship.

    4 GELA

    Case studies from the Diary connected to civic engagement and EU Citizenship, the ICT presentation tool which could be a mind map or a vlog or a Prezi.