
  • One of the Croatian activities was to make a hologram. The activities lasted 4 months in which the students learned what is a hologram and how to make one. All these activities we showed during April 2019 when we had our first meeting with partners and students at our school in Drnje.

    One of the activities was making holograms in technology class. Each student made a plastic pyramid that would refract light and we made a square stand for the pyramid on a 3D printer.

    Each student's head was filmed with a camera from all sides. The video was edited on a computer so that the head can be seen in 4 places.

    The computer or a mobile phone screen is placed horizontally and the pyramid is placed upside down on it.

    The video of the student's head floating inside the pyramid can be seen in a dark room.



    During November 2018. students were made parts needed for making a hologram within the „The science behind a hologram“ task.

    Using a hologram already made, students sketched a part to be printed on a 3D printer.                   The same part was later drawn in the program Fusion 360, and uploaded to a 3D printer Prusa.

    Students printed only one part, and after trying, they resized if needed.

    When we were satisfied with the part, the part was copied by printing 20 equal parts at a time.