Please give an answer on a scale from 0 to 3.
ICT areas
Measures of skills/questions to respondents
What is your experience/routine in:
1. Defining information needs
Using ICT to identify and define information needs
determining what kind of information you need and that can possibly be retrieved using a computer/the internet, for example pertaining or common tasks like shopping, travel and contact with governmental agencies
2. Access to information
Knowing how and where to find and collect information with the aid of ICT
using search engines on the internet (e.g. Google, Yahoo, etc.)
locating websites that contain the information you need
obtaining an overview and navigating on a website
finding specific information that you need on the websites of government agencies
finding websites in a language other than Norwegian
3. Technological self-reliance
Undertaking technological operations independently
creating an e-mail address independently
being able to install programs on the computer independently
using a program from a CD-ROM
using anti-virus software
opening computer programs independently
being able to transfer photos from a digital camera to a computer
creating a digital signature
creating a homepage
4. Information management
Sorting and organizing information
select information one needs from the internet
organizing and storing files in one’s computer, so that they can be easily retrieved
being able to organize the information found, for example by arranging it into lists or tables
being able to transfer figures from a spread sheet to a different program and vice versa
5. Information assessment
Assessing the quality, relevance and usefulness of the information, as well as internet safety
assessing the quality of the information that you find on the internet, for example whether it is old, biased or untrustworthy
assessing the safety of publishing information on the internet, for example on Facebook, in chat rooms, etc.
6. Integration of information
Interpreting, summarizing and comparing information through different forms of presentations
writing, editing and transferring text in word processors
using spell checkers/dictionaries
inserting images/symbols in word processors
inserting and editing tables in word processors
using drawing/graphics applications, for example Power Point
7. Communication and information sharing
Sharing and exchanging information and knowledge with the aid of ICT
sending/receiving SMS/MMS messages from a mobile phone
connecting to the internet using a mobile phone
sending/receiving e-mail
sending attachments (files) with e-mails
using e-mail/calendar systems to organize/arrange meetings
ordering/purchasing tickets over the internet
entering information by using a net-based template, for example electricity meter reading, etc.
buying and selling goods through Norwegian websites
buying and selling goods through websites in other languages than Norwegian
using IP telephony or Skype
using a digital signature
participating in network societies, for example Facebook or Twitter
reading and/or commenting on a blog
participating in cooperation and project groups over the internet
8. Creating new information
Creating and presenting new information with the aid of ICT
composing information that you have found, being able to present it to others electronically
9. Exchange of information
sharing documents on a team platform
using Skype for international information exchange
creating a homepage for publishing a project
searching for specific information on automation
searching for specific information on materials
10. Programming robots
coding (Lego or Arduino)
working with different programmes for coding
using an Open-code platform (MAKER)
programming sensors (function, application)
designing a robot with the help of CAD
using a 3-D printer
programming CAM systems
12. ICT in industry
Using ICT for mechanical engineering
Questions 9- 12 were developed at the first international meeting in Norway in October 2018