Poland - local community

  • Nerd Night - November 2018

    There is a great annual event at our shool. It is called NerdNight and it is the time when we present our school to younger students of other schools from our city and region.

    The theme in the previous years was 'Harry Potter'. This year the theme is 'The Game of Thrones'. That afternoon our school looks like a castle with lots od fantastic decorations and loads of things happening e.g. chemistry and physics shows, language quizez, geography travel presentation, biology and history animations, IT and robotics classes. This year there is also ERASMUS+ & eTwinning presentation, which you can find attached below.

    Powtoon presentation-https://youtu.be/LhyN5TfJwf4


    More information and photos can be found on our website


    On the occasion of NerdNight we have some informative corners at our school. The information is to be displayed until thereis parents-teachers meting on the 19th December, which will be another occasion for project dissemination.