Health and Mathematics

  • In math class we made measurements. Students can measure your height and weight. Then we have the values ​​used formula to calculate BMI - body mass index.Weight / height in meter2.

    Then we went to the internet to check our calculations and see what our results mean for our health. Then we talked about the lifestyle. The students talked about their diet, foods, the sport and lifestyle, talking their views and many pupils me their attitudes pleasantly surprised. Their views on lifestyle, to eating and sport were reasonable.

    Some students after these discussions realized that they should be more on sports and even some eating habits to change.

    When BMI was released by the child's weight is higher, the internet was the recommendation to refer to the doctor practitioner, who would determine whether there is a higher weight due to a disease . Any weight loss should be supervised by a specialist.

    In this regard, I turned in our town Martin on Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Institute of Physiology, where I proposed to them cooperation in this area. Their acceptance was nice and had an interest in cooperating on a clinical study. Students and their parents, who were interested, I made contact at the workplace so they can participate in establishing the health status of their child.

    I believe that this work should be meaningful and have helped students realize their health and think about healthy lifestyles and here students can see how math help.

                                                                                                                           Mária Debnárová