* A Guide for your Visit

  • Prepared by Filiz Çakırlı

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to our Twinspace!

    To see which countries are involved in the project, have a look at "1.Our schools" .

    To learn more about the people involved in the project,

    check out the  "2. Break the ice" section, where you will find some information about the different partners.

    In "3. Who is changing the world?" ,you will have the chance to watch an inspirational video and leave comments about it.

    Page "4. Today's society challenges" ,you will have the chance to give us your opinion on what the main problems in today's world mean to you.

     In "5. A quote to change the world" ,you will find quotes that have inspired students.

    Page "6. How can we make the world a better place?" ,we invite you to watch a Ted Talk by John-Paul Flintoff - a good reminder that society has been transformed by the actions of individuals who understood that if they didn't like something, they could change it.

    Page "7. Team up!" ,you will find the international teams and the instructions for the final task: Step by step, students will create awareness campaigns to speak up for the cause of their choice.

    Page "8. X-Mas/New Year" ,you'll find a few -lovely!- pictures of our X-mas card exchanges.

    Page "9. How do you imagine the world in 2030?" ,we invite you to read poems created by the students about their vision of the future... a stimulating read!

    Page "10. I dare you to...", you will find the different challenges that partners have given each other in order to take concrete action to make the world a better place.

    Page "11. FridaysforFuture", you can watch the TED talk and speech at the UN by Greta Thunberg,the 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden who gave the start to the protest known as Fridays for Future. And you will find the discussions of our students about Greta's words.

    Page "12.Let's team up for a better tomorrow", you will find activities about SDGs and guiding ideas and tools to prepare an awareness campaign. Then, we present the final works of our students to start an awareness campaign. 

    Page "13. Our productions", we list all the links to our collaborative productions. 

    Page "14. Project Evaluation", we evaluated the project process with the students and prepared an evaluation report for you.

    Page "15.Project Dissemination", you will see what we have done to make others to know about our project works.

    Page "16. Let's sustain our project", we discuss how we can go on working on the theme in the future.

    Page "17.Saying Goodbye", our project participants make farewell to each other.


    We are grateful for all of our students' amazing productions! We hope you like them, too!

    Enjoy your visit!