Here we will report what we will do to let parents, fellow colleagues or other schools know about our project.
The 'Break the Fast' project has been published on the Spanish school website: and in the school families' website:
This project is also part of a school project named 2k for living well together. More than 600 students and 80 teachers had a great healthy breakfast that day and joined the 2k race.
A project review is published on the Italian school IC RITA LEVI-MONTALCINI - BAGNOLO CR website homepage:, and in the parents' and students' area of the website:
'Break the Fast' has also become part of a wider cross-curricular learning unit about FOOD AND HEALTHY DIET (mentioned among the projects in the PTOF i.e. the school educational policy plan) that every year involves the second year classes.
With its HARDWARE step it was one of the many activities that the school implemented for the EUROPE CODE WEEK 2018 for which it got a certificate of participation.
The first part of our project was disseminated during the Open Day at I.C. Querini in Venice, Italy, in December when we presented the new parents and students the language projects in our PTOF as it is made evident in: Arcobaleno di Notizie n.1, school emagazine
Final Project Review is published on the Italian school website I.C. Querini, Venice: