Training and dissemination - ITALY-
Training course an Dissemination.docx
Dissemination: sharing experiences and disseminate experiences with other schools (scuola dell'infanzia Bruno Ciari)
a PICTURE of our first meeting! What an emotion! Pride to be there!
and the description on the school site and on the digital press
After the meeting in Spain we prepared a wall for our Spanish memories! And everybody can see it!
Local newspaper speaks about our meeting in Latvia!
And on the net!
Here, during our end meeting of the school year (June 2019) with all the TEACHERS of our school and our headmaster, Sabrina is showing a video about about meeting in Latvia explaining the central and main actions of the project.
#Erasmus+ #Dissemination Tavola Rotonda presso aula magna dell'Istituto Superiore "Roncalli", Poggibonsi, (Si) a parlare di progetti Erasmus+ : ci siamo anche noi a illustrare il nostro: 'For a respectful and tolerant school'! (21th october 2019)
Newspaper articles:
Third meeting in Italy
Disability awareness day
Municipality site:
The words of the parents at the end of the school year 2021
Lithuanian virtual meeting
Final greetings with parents, teachers, children, authorities
The World Autism Awareness Day
The World Autism Awareness Day 2021
Virtual meeting
Greetings with authorities and families
Final event (online)
Meeting in Italy - Local Newspaper
Round table. Erasmus projects in Valdelsa
third event. Italy
Parents preparing dinner for partner
erasmus day 11 October 2019
1 | Communication to teaching staff ,to the school board | September 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
2 | Meeting with teachers involved in the project | September 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
3 | Meeting with parents | October 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
4 | Staff meeting: preparation of the first event | October 18 | IC Certaldo | |
5 | Staff meeting: first activities | October 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
6 | Erasmus corner | November 18 | IC Certaldo | Picture |
7 | eTwinning project | November 18 | | |
8 | Teaching staff meeting: starting new activities | November 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
9 | Piece of news | November 18 | | |
10 | Teaching staff meeting: creation of doll’s story and profile | November 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
11 | Teaching staff meeting: summary of the first training event | November 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
12 | Staff meeting: preparation of Christmas season | December 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
13 | Teaching staff meeting: buying dolls | December 18 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
14 | Teaching staff meeting: books of differences | January 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
15 | Teaching staff meeting: preparing the evaluation forms | February 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
16 | Teaching staff meeting: preparing Spanish week | February 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes Pictures, presentations, videos, webpages |
17 | Training event and dissemination to other schools | February 19 | IC Certaldo | Pictures |
18 | Training event on eTwinning | February 19 | | |
19 | Evaluation forms | March 19 | Online (google module) | |
20 | Teaching staff meeting: preparation of the second training event | March 19 | IC Certaldo | |
21 | Teaching staff meeting: preparation of the school final event | April 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
22 | Teaching staff meeting with parents | May 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
23 | School final show | June 19 | Gym centre of Certaldo | Picture |
24 | Second training event | June 19 | | School webpage |
25 | Article on local newspapers | June 19 | | |
26 | Information about second training event | June 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes, Picture |
27 | Staff meeting. Planning new school year | September 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
28 | Meeting with parents: preparing third event | October 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
29 | Latvian week | October 19 | IC Certaldo | Pictures, presentations, videos, webpages |
30 | Erasmus day | October 19 | Certaldo, del Volontariato Square, | Pictures |
31 | Training event in Certaldo | October 19 | IC Certaldo | Pictures, presentations, videos, webpages, |
32 | Presentation of FRATS project at a meeting of Erasmus projects | October 19 | Istituto Superiore Roncalli, Poggibonsi, Siena. | Pictures |
33 | Staff meeting: training results and preparation of next activities | November 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
34 | Activities before Christmas | December 19 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
35 | Blog riordering | January 20 | IC Certaldo | |
36 | Staff meeting: Italian week | January 20 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
37 | Etwinning school form | January 20 | IC Certaldo | |
38 | Erasmus corner: riorganization | January 20 | IC Certaldo | |
39 | Preparation of the extra meeting in France | January/February 20 | IC Certaldo | |
40 | Carnival festival | February 20 | IC Certaldo | Pictures |
41 | Staff meeting: decisions due to Pandemia | March 20 | IC Certaldo | |
42 | Staff meeting: new school year | September 21 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
43 | Parents meeting on line | October 21 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
44 | Coordinators and staff meeting: project extension | October 21 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
45 | Staff meeting: how to use PDM in pandemia | October 21 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
46 | International day of people with disabilities | December 21 | IC Certaldo | Video |
47 | Staff meeting: PDM in Pandemia, rules to be respected | January 21 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
48 | Etwinning: new cooperative activity, a glossary | March 21 | IC Certaldo | |
49 | Padlet as a repository | March 21 | online | |
50 | Request of virtual mobility, Erasmus national support | April 21 | email | |
51 | Staff meeting: Virtual mobility in Lithuania | May 21 | IC Certaldo | Minutes |
52 | Virtual mobility in Lithuania | June 21 | IC Certaldo | Pictures, presentations |
53 | Lithuanian week | June 21 | IC Certaldo | Pictures, presentation |
54 | Final greetings with families, teachers, authorities | 12th June 2021 | Sport court of Certaldo | Pictures, a speech |
55 | Closing of the project with children and parents | 27th June 2017 | Public area in Certaldo | Frame |