• Skype meeting between HUN - UK
    Thanks to Balázs Kecskeméti and the students of Carr's Glen PS. for showing us how to program edison robot, what can the edison robots do.

    Live Skype meeting between Carr's Glen PS. and Csabrendeki PS.

    The students exchanged their knowledge - Hungarian students presented LEGO EV3, English students presented Scratch 3 and their school. Thank you for it! 

    In the month of January the UK and HUN pupils had an interesting Live Skype Meeting, where they shared their expertise on Lego EV3 and Scratch.

    In the month of November we had our Skype meeting for teachers, where we discussed about our forthcoming LTT in Bucharest.

    It was a great experience that at the same time three schools drawn together!

    Skype is an awesome world-opener for education. Skype in the Classroom is "a free global community" that allows us to collaborate on classroom projects and share skills and inspiration around specific teaching needs. We can use Skype in a variety of ways to enhance our students understanding of a certain topic in a way that will be more exciting and memorable. We strongly agree on that the Skype in the Classroom allows for students to experience new cultures, language, and ideas without having to leave the classroom at all.

    In the month of October, Zoltan and I arranged our very first LIVE SKYPE webinar between our pupils. Prior to this event, we had an online meeting to discuss the theme and activities we wanted to deliever, so that we could get our pupils fully ready. Zoltan drew my attention to MS Paint programme as being an extreamly valuable (and free) software, yet being a bit left out when we do our plannings of what softwares to use in class.

    Thank you Zoltan for introducing MS Paint to me and our class. In fact, shortly after our conversation, I spoke with Ana (from Macedonia), who is also a keen MS Paint user (hurraaaaaay!!!). Thank you one more time for this LIVE meeting and training, that we all enjoyed greatly!

    1st Video: Just before our Live meeting was due to start, we searched your school and gathered as much information as we could. In fact, Mr Charles shared his great memories of visiting your school in 2016 with the class! :)

    2nd Video: Mr Charles talked about a fun fact, namely, the different ways we count on our hands. It was fascinating to hear that indeed, in Hungary we use our thumb to show No1, while here we would use our finger. I am wondering what our partners have got to say on this...!!! :)

    In our Video 3 you`ll find the Q&A session among our pupils. We were super excited to ask all those questions that sometimes I felt we may need to have a second session to finish with all! :)

    OK, so in the Video No. 4 I have the training. Unfortunatelly multitasking is ain`t my strength and by know, clearly I felt short with doing the filming while translating and following the content of the training being delivered so great by your students.

    Finally, in our Video No.5 you`ll find a short discussion between me and my class on all the topics we covered during this Live Webinar. Thank you again for making this meeting possible! :)

    This is our video about Skype meeting between Carr's Glen P.S/UK and Csabrendeki Általános Iskola/Hungary.
    The hungarian children enjoyed it very much
    . One of our students showed to the other school how to use the Paint program.