


    (That’s me! That’s my body! What about you?)


    Presentation :teachers - pupils - schools .Pupils  present themselves using pictures and also speaking in English using different tools( Voicethread , voki, genially…), they create and upload their own portrait in the Twinspace (Face your manga, artistic drawings…), teachers present themselves using a padlet

    Creation of Interactive map to show the partners around Europe (MyMaps Google or others)



    ( My body and my imagination make Art crafts)


    Teacher will pair schools two by two and students will prepare Art and craft or Christmas cards to exchange their school partner

    Creation a web  advent calendar that shows every day one Christmas tradition (from a different partner’s country). Teachers will prepare the Calendar and it will be a surprise for children at the beginning of December



    (My body sings a song)


    Every class sings a part of the same Christmas song to obtain a unique video that wishes in different languages Merry Christmas

    Exchange Christmas cards made by students (they start to write simply word in English)



    (Move your body! Let’s sing and dance)


    Using the same music pupils start to express themselves, then pupils invent a dance  . The teachers will prepare a unique video that shows the different results of the dancing around Europe.



    (My body listens and imagines a storytale. Let's paint!)


    The fairytale: “The Nightingale”  is divided into parts and each class illustrates only one part of the fairytale Using this tale we can help pupils understand that technology can’t  substitute real life.

    Inspiring to this fairytale each class start to read a new similar tale in collaboration with partner. At the end of this  the tale will be divided into different parts and pupils use various techniques to design/draw the scenes named to them.

    Each class realize a  3D CHARACTER that represents  the main of the fairytale , the best of them will win  a LOGO COMPETITION



    (My body acts )

    Pupil dramatize the story tale that they invented in collaboration with other partner (also in this activity each class dramatize one or two scenes) and the teachers will film their students and prepare a unique video.



    My body thinks and feels happy.

    Realization of an e-book and a survey  for teachers/pupils/families- results