The project “Living the arts, hands on” wants to involve children from 5  to 8 years old ( when students are so young they can express themselves better using their body to dance, to sing a song, to paint or to dramatize a tale….).

    Art.,Music, drama, dance, painting, storytelling will be in the core of our sessions and through different activities we want to engage our students in a meaningful learning experience and transform their learning environment. We can organize a “project space” in the class  where pupils can feel calm, read fairy tales or discuss some rules or some situations,to hear a music theme to help students to be relaxed ...We also can motivate the students to learn English in a fun way.

    We are aware our pupils live an environment where tablets, smartphones and technologies changes are in constant and rapid evolution and they take up a lot of their freetime. We want to empower them with better communication skills, improving their talent and imagination, their happiness and welfare . We will discover new apps but also we will understand that using technologies inspire and motivate but cannot replace human creativity and empathy. But above all else, we want to experience the benefits of Art, music, drama in our pupils emotional development , raising important life skills and engaging children in their own learning process.  Besides children can raise their enterprising spirit with the creation of some solidarity initiatives. “Living the arts, hands on” should provide the first steps to build and establish friendship bonds which connects us through Art and Music.




    E-mail, Chat, Project diary, email, Foro, other software , Powerpoint, video ( kizoa, smilebox, window movie maker), Voicethread , voki, genially, pictures, collage and drawings,  Web publishing, TwinSpace, Video conference (using eTwinning live online meetings with Adobe, Skype, Hangouts...), Collaborative walls (padlet ) Tablets (scratch) , interactive maps (Mymaps google, Pictramap, tripline or others), evaluation charts and surveys (google formularies). Partners should propose and explore other ICT tools to create an e-book, voting the logo ...



    to feel Art and Music with our body, inspiring our mind, touching our heart

    to establish a positive social climate in the classrooms

    to provide an environment where students are more likely to express themselves

    to create an inclusion space

    to feel  part of Europe

    to improve the students’ communication skills in English

    to be free to express the creativity in different Arts

    to develop feelings of solidarity towards other people

    to explore new app to discover new ways to draw, create music, share…

    to promote the attitude and the conditions which helps to raise our students’ enterprising spirit and, at the same time, the creation of solidarity initiatives.

    to “touch the art”, learn from each other, share good practice, establish bonds

    to become aware of their learning achievements through challenging teachers and students to explore strategies to assess not only the final product but also the whole process and the skills learnt.



    Students will participate in individual, collaborative and cooperative monthly challenges and tasks which help to express themselves in different art forms, develop their creativity and discover and grow their artistic talents. In addition to this main tasks, we can participate in other optional and volunteer activities to enrich the project, as online meetings, school events, solidarity actions or just share simple ideas which help us to feel inspired.

    Twinspace, forum or videoconferences can help a real connection between the partner countries. Every school will share evidence of the activities done uploading some photos, videos or files in the Twinspace "Material" section and sharing their work in the project activities pages "Pages" created in the Twinspace, respecting the deadlines. We will discuss and plan some assessment activities (giving feedback, peer assessment, self-assessment) along all the project and at the end, providing models to be able to give a constructive feedback to others (on the quality of their work, giving ideas and strategies for improvement, enhancing their confidence).

    Besides, throughout the project teachers can share good practices, ideas and suggestions to improve our school class climate and to promote inclusion involving our students in a more conscious learning process which help them to become learners for life. Students can choose,make proposals and participate in the creation of environments which allows them to learn more comfortably and efficiently. Every class can plan and create artistic school spaces where art and music have an important role and make easy for our pupils to feel safe and relax, enjoy, read, listen to stories or just feel free to create new things.  Furthermore , parallel to the programmed tasks, every teacher can decide how to achieve other goals as investigate, use new technologies, develop feelings of solidarity towards other people and let our students think ideas which raise their enterprising spirit somehow and find ways to share our learning with all the learning community and to participate in society.



    - express themselves through the Arts , spreading their creativity using new technologies ,having fun and representing their knowledge in different ways (performance, e-book, story creation, drawing, singing, dancing…

    - work in group, cooperatively on some small projects, challenges and open-ended tasks.

    - experience the benefits of art ( strength of their creativity ,  fine motor skills, problem solving abilities and neuronal development) feeling Art as a tool to recognise and manage their own emotions (emotional intelligence) and to understand other subjects such as literacy, math, science…

    - improve the students’ communication skills in English

    - learn and teach using innovative scenarios

    - create an inclusive climate in class

    - feel part of Europe

    - be able to give a constructive feedback to others (use assessment for learning).

    - find ways to share our learning with all the learning community and to participate in society (increasement in collaboration, among students, teachers, families…)

    - develop feelings of solidarity towards other people

    - establish real bonds and promote synergies between schools

    As a final result we want to enjoy art and build/boost our students self-confidence, feeling sure of themselves and enhancing their abilities to master their body, behaviour and the challenges in the world around them.