Previous collaborative work on human rights by students of General High School of Moudros

  • Thessaloniki April 2017:

    Students of junior high school of Moudros working together with students from the Ampelokipi Arts junior high school of Thessaloniki on migration crisis.

    The children are now students of General high school of Moudros and members of the Erasmus+ project: "Together: equal in dignity and rights".

  • how do you define solidarity?

    schools working together

    to be working on a project on human rights, to care about all people, to work against discrimination


    Solidarity defines the union or fellowship from common responsibilities and interests, as between classes, people's and community's.
    (The image shows three women tending an infant as it's mother changed into dry clothes after landing on the source of Mytilini crossing the eastern Aegean from Turkey in October 2015.) (Virginia)


    To care for others and fight for their human rights (Kostas)


    Solidarity is a strong feeling of compassion about others!!!(Konstantinos)

    solidarity is to work on the issues that immigrants face

    Noun. A state of unity, harmony and support, always inspired by love.


    Solidarity is helping one another and it also has a meaning of unity between people with similar interests.(Stamatia)