Let's sing in many languages!
The song "Frere Jacque" is famous all over Europe.
Let's learn different versions of this song in many languages!
Below there are different vesions of "Frere Jacque" song! Try to find a song in your language and add it to the list. Next make a video singing the song in your language and upload it on the page. We will make a compilation of our videos and will be able to listen and sing "Frere Jacque" in many languages on the EDL!
The example of a video (the Polish team several years ago).
Here is our « Frère Jacques » in our national language, French and our regional one Creole!
Well done! We like them both :-) We are getting ready for Czech version. (Eva)
Let´s listen Czech version "Bratře Kubo" , also with clapping :-) We enjoyed singing a lot.
Here is a link to the song in many different world languages:
Frere Jacque in Slovenian Mojster Jaka
To celebrate European Day of languages our pupils sing the song in different languages that they speak at home or learn at school. There are three schools and we had a video conference.
From Mérida, Spain
Frere Jacque as Turkish version with Turkish lyrics
"My thumb finger, my thumb finger
Where are you, where are you
I am really well sir, thank you
Run my thumb, run my thumb!"
Frere Jacque in English
Frere Jacque in Ukrainian