Postcards exchange


    Each school prepares from one to five postcards for each partner school. Postcards can be created by children (some pictures of landmarks in your city or country) or ready-made. Each postcard should include at least 3 sentences in your national language and English. The dedline for sending is 16th September, so every school gets them on time before the EDL celebration.

    Click the link to write your school address:


    Our postcards for you, from Réunion island!


    The cards from Poland sent to you:


    Greetings from the Czech republic

    We are pupils from Primary school Okružní 1235 in Most. Our town is about 100km west from the capital city Prague. It´s a big town and you can do a lot of activities here as you can see in our postcards.

    We are looking forward to reading your postcards :-)


    Our postcards for you from Mérida (Spain)

    Thank you pupils from France for your postcards!


    Thank you for these nice postcards :)

    SPAIN - Colegio Internacional Eurovillas

    We are a small school in a town in Madrid called Colegio Interncional Eurovillas. Our town is about 50 km away from the capital of Spain. 

    Here are some pictures of the postcards we did! 


    Some other postcards have arrived to Turkey! Thank you all!



    Our postcards are on the way!