“Effective evaluation and documentation of a project”
Irene Pateraki & Paraskevi Belogia
eTwinning European Conference, Athens
Links you will need during the workshop:
Let’s start: http://etc.ch/b5Gq
Activity 1: https://www.menti.com/44fccb
Activity 2: Poll-maker: https://goo.gl/qVGJ1g
Activity 3: Questions for a students’ evaluation: https://www.tricider.com/admin/2Tnd9Hu7WAF/905Tp1NSOXT
Activity 4: Dotstorming: https://dotstorming.com/topic/580b6e3a00f65140963cdda5
Activity 5: Plickers: printed cards one every team
Activity 6: Quizziz: https://quizizz.com/join/
Activity 7: Evaluate us: https://todaysmeet.com/athensworkshop
Information and tools you can use after the workshop:
You can open a www.titanpad.com and start planning together your project (objectives, activities, tools you will use etc) or you can use http://learningdesigner.org/
When you are ready, you can start building your timeline: https://www.timetoast.com/
Use a photo to add all the results of an activity in https://www.thinglink.com/
Students can record their comments for an activity using http://vocaroo.com/
If they are young, they can draw what they liked mostly in an activity or in a project in http://colorillo.com/
To document the results of your project you can create an infographic: https://piktochart.com/
To comment on activities, students can create podcasts: https://www.spreaker.com/ or https://audioboom.com/ or http://123apps.com/
A mindmap can help you describe an activity visually: https://mind42.com/
A timeline can also be a nice way to showcase how you have worked in your project: https://www.timetoast.com
You can create your own rubric for evaluation: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php
http://www.utellstory.com/ can also be a great tool to document the activities done in a project
Some more tools to create polls: http://www.strawpoll.me/ , https://www.polleverywhere.com/, https://www.easypolls.net/
You can test what your students have learnt by creating easy tests: https://testmoz.com/ and https://goformative.com/
You can ask their opinion with a word using https://answergarden.ch/
A great tool for students’ feedback: http://www.stickymoose.com/