Grandpa, Grandma, tell me

  •  Video Slovakia

    In the video we learned from Mr in vilage Prestavlky about the terrible childhood during the Second World War. He told us he brought food to the partisan in the mountain.  And that fascists shot dead  way many people.                                                           

     Vo videu sme sa dozvedeli od pána z Prestavĺk aké mal strašné detstvo. Rozprával nám o tom ako nosievali s bratom Partizánom jedlo do hory. A o tom, ako Nemci popod horu si budovali zákopy. Potom keď cez Lazinu išli Nemci,  zastrelili veľa ľudí ktorí sa len trochu pozreli von, či idú hore   dedinou.

    Elder mrs from Prochot telled us about her experience from WW2: „They came to kopanica there they started to burn.  The eldest  boy, the brother of Jožko,  to run across the village and he was screaming:  "Kopanica is burning!". People started to run.  That' s how we  learned about how village Prochot was burned three times.

    Starší pani z Prochot nás upozornili na svoje skúsenosti z 2. svetovej vojny: "Prišli do Kopanice, kde začali horieť. Najstarší chlapec, brat Jožko, prebehol cez dedinu a kričal: "Kopanica horí!". Ľudia začali bežať. Tak sme sa dozvedeli, ako bola trikrát vypálená dedina Prochot.


    Video Ukraine 

    In the videos the old man and old soldier whose name is Samibula Iskuzhin greets students on the Motherland Defender's Day. He wishes happiness and health and to live in peaceful country.

    Also he tells about the time of war. And answers the question about the place where the war met him, about the songs they sang in those difficult years and so on.