Scoala Superioara Comerciala "NICOLAE KRETZULESCU" , ROMANIA

  • SSCNK is the first public economic school founded in Romania. More than 900 students attend the courses taught by 60 teachers specialized in different subjects according to the VET curricula for accountancy, commerce, tourism and administration, level F3. 

    The constant and useful participation into international projects has proved the good experience of our organization in project management and implementation of outcomes in the educational process. Our students and teachers were involved in the development of projects in the field of science or economics or in competitions specialized in economic and marketing.

    The Superior Commercial School “Nicolae Kretzulescu” was founded in the autumn of the year 1864, with the perseverance of Dr. Nicolae Kretzulescu, Minister of the Public Instruction.
        Until the establishment of the Academy of Economical Studies in April 1913, Commercial School was the highest step of the Romanian economical education. Throughout 140 years the school constituted important immobile assets.
    In the years 1889-1890 the Capital’s Mayor, Emanoil Protopopescu Pache, who was the school’s principal before, managed to build an adequate edifice, registered today on the historical monuments list.

        In the years 1889 and 1900 the high school participated with own exhibits at The Universal Expositions in Paris. Also, in the same period of time, the school corresponded with The Institute of Commercial Instructions from Vienna and with the International Society for Development of Commercial Studies from Bern, Switzerland.
        In 1912, Superior Commercial School for Boys in Bucharest was the only education institution with a complete football team of its own. With this team the school won many competitions and championships.
        Also, in 1926, in the school a Red Cross Group was founded, first of its kind in that time, group that was ment to assure medical assistance for all students and to provide to them the access to school camps. First magazine of the school, named “Young branches”, was edited in 1930.

    For initiation in fractal geometry we used a material made in Romanian language and some popularization films in this field.

    We also have a teaching base for projects in this area, for example, a project by which we generate the Sierpinski Triangle in 8 ways.
    As a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words, we consolidate everything with the images on the site 

    We have older students  that explain to younger students the notions and a package of programs developed in  LabVIEW   that help us understand the notions of fractal geometry as well as dynamic systems as an introduction to Chaos Theory.

    Students do not learn programming according to school curriculum and only a few enthusiasts will understand the pseudo-code underlying the programs.

    The colors of the infinite will fascinate this year as well, and chaos will decipher it through the science of the 21st century. We hear the sounds of the universe by slipping infinitely with the escape-time algorithm.

    We are happy to work together on this project that makes us understand the Natural Symphony in which the musical notes are replaced by figures.



    Artical ROmania.pdf


     “Just one move in the universe. The life of the person is just a fraction of the same unit. But if in a succession of unknown fraction, one piece is known, then the hole succession become known. This is obvious the humanity’s first purpose has been concentrate in this fraction, that the natural rules of the mathematic and the logic. The laws of the piece and the whole have been the first things studied with accuracy.” Mihai Eminescu

    Nowadays, the basic ideas about nature in science need radical revisions. These continuous changes in the knowledge paradigms started half a century ago and are developing more and more. Science can not evolve without change, and today, this change occurs in its fundamental philosophy. We have the opportunity to witness a profound transformation in understanding how many areas of science are grounded. A part of the scientific community recognizes the universality of fractals, regardless specialty: physics, astronomy, geography, but also social sciences, linguistic domain, psychology. The Fractal Geometry allows finding a model and a harmonious ordering of some systems where it seems to be an absolute chaos of the various empirical facts.