A method posted on November 23, 2018

    The partners are invited to produce, for each of the photographs they will insert: a description (and possibly later, an interpretation of the image, which foreign partners can also undertake on their side).

    1 -  TO DESCRIBE

    - The angle of view: that is to specify the point where the observer is

    - Scale: Indices should make it possible to evaluate the distance and the heights

    - The nature of the landscape: it is necessary to specify the dominant elements (type of relief and vegetation for example) to judge the degree of humanisation / anthropisation of the landscape and to say its main use if the humanisation is intense (urban or rural landscape, industrial or
    tourist, etc.).

    - The structure of the image: its components in terms of shapes, colors, materials

    - It is in this conclusion of the description you'll have to locate the places of the names possibly mentioned by the producer of the map and to try to direct the view and to locate the relative position of the elements.

    SUBMISSIONS: you ll post your photograph and a description, first.

    2 - TO COMMENT

    The photograph producer will have to make a comment, but other partners too if they want to select this picture.

    Comment may be a historical, geographic or other topic bases analysis. But it can be also a literary essay, or a poem, all what partners wish to do.