AGENDA - Prequel in 2018-2019


    BILAN DE L'ANNEE ZERO /  Phase d'amorçage

    Reminder: 2018-2019 was a training year, made  in order to prepare the partners to do more cooperative activities from september, 2019, and perhaps to plan a strategic partnership from 2020.

    e+W.W 2018-2019 PROGRAMME



    Implemented tasks in LYCEE RAVEL High School


    French pupils involved in the W.W eTwinning were "Seconde 7" pupils, also participants of the local pedagogic project SEE.SHORE, dedicated to make a link between learnings and the local context and mainly carried out by Mr Vanderplancke. 

    Five courses habe been concerned.


    GEOGRAPHY (Géogaphie)

    LESSONS (click on this title to acess to the online Textbooks)

    - Demain, presque plus d'eau potable ?

    Tomorrow, almost no more drinking water? [22.01.19]

    - Le littoral, un milieu fortement anthropisé (et donc très vulnérable)

    The coastline, a highly anthropised environment (and therefore very vulnerable)

    [22/28/29.03.19 then 11.04.19 and 3/10.05.19]




    - W.W WORKSHOP 3

    reportage photographique sur le littoral, pics reporting [8/14.02.19]

    description et commentaire, writings of comments [14.02.19]

    devoir facultatif, homeworks[18.05.19]

    with contents from the courses of FRENCH LITERATURE used by pupils to comment the pictures they have done


    - FIELD TRIP IN GUETHARY - with the BIOLOGY (SVT) teacher 

    étude de la station d'épuration modèle de Guéthary [28.03.19]



    Conférences-débats par les associations HEGALALDIA et ITSAS ARIMA.

    Lectures about local animals (especially whales and dolphins) but also gulls and all sort of birds, given as help to the "Erasmusplusanimals partnerhip" implementation and dissemination [3.05.19]


    CIVICS (Education Morale et Civique)

    Ateliers d'appui 

    eTwinning activities (click on this title to acess to the online Textbooks)

    - Profilage et inscription dans le Twinspace

    Two  eTwinning sessions in order to check students membership and fill the profiles 

    W.W WORKSHOPS 1 and 2

    [09/10 and 11.19]

    - Safari-photo sur le littoral  

    W.W WORKSHOP 3 (description above, in the Geography section)


    Conception et fabrication d'une exposition à l'occasion de la journée dédiée aux Droits des Femmes  

    Women in the History Teaching Programme SEASHORE WORKSHOP 4


    online exibition is available clicking on the "eT activities" link

    Participation à l'opération "Iitiatives Océanes"  à l'initiative du professeur de SVT et ramassage des déchets par des volontaires sur  plage d'Erromardie

    Collectiong wastes on Eromardie Beach aching


    online exibition is available in the HISTORY textbook (go to the 14th of March).





    HISTORY (Histoire)

    Ateliers d'appui au projet See.Shore (sans lien avec WATER.WORDS)

    Some tasks were implemented as a part of events organized for Women's Rights Day (no direct connection to the W.W eTwinning)

    - Des figures féministes dans le programme d'Histoire de Seconde 

    Lancement du travail le 15 février

    Devoir à rendre le 8 mars

    Résultat exposé au CDI et en ligne à partir du 14 mars



    Implemented tasks by all the partners



    end of photo posting (only pics and descriptions)



    end of cross over comments



    end of exchanges about comments, results edition.

    A faire en année 2019-2019

    EN PLUS DU TWINSPACE UN BLOG SERA UTILISE  et un WEBZINE sera produit pour insérer et diffuser le portfolio commun.

    DISSEMINATION By our  TWINSPACE and the BLOG dedicated to european projects carried out by LYCEE RAVEL. NOTRE BUREAU ERASMUS+ blog  .A WEBZINE will be uploaded at the end of the co-working phase !

    YEAR 1 2019-2020


    As some of the results in 2018-2019 were not sufficient enough, and cause the partners 'eTwinners) want to maintain the relationships and make the cooperation go mmre deeply, a brain storming about new goals and concrete tasks to implement will be done from september. The restyled WATER.WORL(D)S Twinspace may become a beginning for a new Erasmus+ strategic partnership (focused on water and/or the four elements).