Plan of our project

  • Just once more I am writing the programme of our project. If you have not enough time, you can do the things later, but please, work. We are a good group. It is not easy to have som many students and schools here, but we will manage.



    OCTOBER Introductions: who we are where we live, family, pets, …
    Teachers: register the project, learn about new twinspace, register the children and teach them how to use it. Children can introduce themselves by using videos, prezi, powerpoint, word, they will answer the questions in the forum. 
    NOVEMBER My school: name of school, address, school website, map- where the school is, school subjects, timetable- compare the timetables of partner schools, free time activities, extraordinary days. Comparing schools /
    DECEMBER My town: presentation, pictures, or videos, My favourite place in town, what young people can do in town. + Christmas in my family
    Teachers: make Christmas cards with the kids and send them to partner schools.
    Children: take a picture of your Christmas tree- gallery of Christmas decorations in our homes.
    JANUARY Free time activities: what do we do in our free time, examples of our abilities - playing musical instruments, drawing pictures, speaking a foreign language apart from English, playing a sport, other abilities / video, photos, MP3- music /
    FEBRUARY Pause.

    MARCH School celebrations during the year.

    APRIL Food: recipes, healthy and unhealthy food- a poster- competition – the best poster.
    MAY End of the project- evaluation, saying goodbye, holiday plans.