School reports in our countreis

  • Here you can read about different ways how our children are evaluated during the school year:


    In Spain, we divide the course in 3 terms. Each term students take about 2 exams for each unit. Students get school reports three times a year: at the end of December (just before the Christmas holidays), the week before Easter and the last week in June.

    The marks are from 1 to 10. 10 is best, 1 means the students hasn’t done anything. We also give a mark for behaviour.



    We have 2 semesters.We call them the 1st and the 2nd semester.

    Each semester students have 2 or 3 exams from each lesson.

    We also give them performance grade.and they can get project grade if they do any.

    In the end of the first semester which is two weeks later (a 15 day break) they get a school report.

    It is from 1 to 5 like yours but 5 is excellent.1 means failure.

    And the same things in the 2nd semester.


    The Czech Republic:

    We have two semesters too. We call them the same way- the 1st and 2nd semester. On 29th January all the children in the Czech Republic get a half-year school report and the next day. this year it is Friday 3Oth- is one day off. The marks are from 1 to 5. One is the best. 5 is failed- haven´t succeded.



    n Croatia we have a diffrent system of evaluation. 5 is excellent which is the best. 4 is very good 3 is good 2 is sufficient & 1 is insufficient (It means that the student didn't pass)




    As for school reports, we have a half year school report a the beginning of February. We use numbers from 1 to 10  (10= excellent, 9= very good, 8=good, 7=quite good, 6=satisfactory, 5= poor, 4=very poor), but we don't use 1-2-3 in the school report as it would be too demotivating. If you have 4 or five in several subjects you won't pass. We give a mark also for the behaviour.




    Usual grading system in secondary school

    Full Description: Marking on a scale from 0 to 6.

    Highest on scale: 6

    Pass/fail level: 2

    Lowest on scale: 0

    Main grading system used by higher education institutions

    Full Description: A Common system based on the ECTS system (A-F) has been introduced.

    Highest on scale: A

    Pass/fail level: E

    Lowest on scale: F



    Education Stage Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
    Secondary 5 90.00 - 100.00 Odlično A
    Secondary 4 77.00 - 89.00 Prav dobro A
    Secondary 3 63.00 - 76.00 Dobro B
    Secondary 2 50.00 - 62.00 Zadostno C
    Secondary 1 0.00 - 49.00 Nezadostno F


    Here's the information about the evaluation in my school.
    Nicolaus Copernicus Primary School, Poland

    We have 2 semesters as well. The school year lasts 10 months. 
    Students in our school are graded accorning to the following scale:
    0-29%: 1 (niedostateczny)
    30-49%: 2 (dopuszczający)
    50-74%: 3 (dostateczny)
    75-89%: 4 (dobry)
    90-95%: 5 (bardzo dobry)
    96-100%:6 (celujący)

    During the school year pupils take different tests and short tests checking their knowledge of various school subjects. 
    We also grade their behaviour by giving them points.