9th task - Brexit: European Traditions in danger


    Deal or No Deal ...

    That is the question...!!!

    Dear partners from all across Europe,

      As you all know, the composition of the European Union

    is about to change since the UK is most likely going

    to leave the EU

    after voting for the Brexit by referendum in June 2016.

    eTwinning being a European community

    defending certains values

    such as collaboration, inclusion, tolerance,

    acceptation of differences, cultural diversity

    we think it's important to give you all

    the opportunity to express yourself about this important issue.


    Being European citizens, how do you feel about it ??


    * First, in the following collaborative word cloud, you are given the possibility to write short ideas you associate with Brexit.

    You can give several answers but one at a time!

    The more an answer will be given, the bigger it'll appear in the cloud!

    * Then, in the following collaborative padlet,

    you can post more elaborate thoughts,

    pictures or videos to express your feelings

    and your reactions about what's going on!

    Let's share our views on Brexit!