4th task - Our travelling mascots

  •                                                                    DEAR PARTNERS
     To give a more concrete dimension to our quest along which we're going to learn about the cultures and traditions
    of our partner countries, let's create mascots who are going to travel from one country to another collecting
    The mascots will have different "things" to collect along their journey.
    The mascots' journeys and stops will allow us to run different activities about clichés, stereotypes, traditions,
    celebrations, recipes, fashion, art, local environment  … and learn many things about our partners!
    1st step: Let's choose the mascots!
    Each school should publish a brainstorming or suggestions in order to decide the nature of the mascots who're
    going to travel:
    Shall we make them/ use students' soft toys ???
    Shall we organize a mascot competition and a vote???
    Well partners, we're waiting for your ideas: you can create subpages or use the dedicated forum! 
                                            FINAL DECISION:
    After discussing and thinking of all your ideas,
    the mascots are going to be each country's Olympic Game mascots!
    2nd step: the mascots' itinerary and missions!
    The itinerary and the missions are detailed in the subpage "the mascots' travelling dates and missions".