ORIHUELA SCHOOL EXCHANGE (Short term mobility in Spain)

  • Summary of our 1st School Exchange in Orihuela – (February 2019)

    “National Prides in a European Context”

    During 3 days (from 19th to 21st February 2019) 25 students from IES Gabriel Miró shared the experience of getting to know the heritage of Orihuela and some surrounding cities (Murcia, Cartagena, Elche and Alicante) with other 25 European students who visited us from Iceland, Hungary, Latvia, Italy and Poland. We enjoyed a packed agenda of guided tours in English to each of the most representative monuments of the heritage in our town and neighboring cities. We highlight the good relations that have been created between Orihuela students and Europeans, who are sharing on the project blog very pleasant comments of an unforgettable exchange for all of them.

    There have been very special moments throughout the 3 days, from the opening ceremony in the auditorium of the IES Gabriel Miró, with the presence of educational institutions and a musical performance by our students directed by the teachers of the music department, to the reception in the City Council of Orihuela by its mayor Mr. Emilio Bascuñana, with the distribution of city badges to all the participating teachers. The visits to the Diocesan School of Santo Domingo, the Miguel Hernandez House Museum, the Cathedral and the Episcopal Palace of Orihuela, surprised our visitors immensely, specially by its enormous beauty and historical value. The visit to the naval museum of Cartagena and its Roman theatre illustrated the long history of this Mediterranean city, while the visit to the museum of Las Claras, the Royal Casino and the Cathedral of Murcia stood out for their great artistic value.

    The last day was dedicated to the discovery of some natural heritage, such as the Palm Grove of Elche, declared World Heritage by UNESCO. The visits ended in our provincial capital, Alicante. In addition to enjoying a pleasant stroll through the city’s popular Explanada, the entire group was received at the offices of Europe Direct of the Valencian Community in Alicante. The closing of the exchange took place in the Casino of Orihuela with the distribution of certificates to all the participants and a dance performance by students from the higher cycle of Pre-school Education at IES Gabriel Miró. An unforgettable exchange.

    Students were divided in 5 international groups of 10 students in each group. They worked in international teams to create presentations and videos, with the APP Genially, about all the heritage sites visited. The links to the presentations are the following:

    Genially Group 1 

    Video group 1

    Geniallly Group 2

    Video group 2

    Group 3

    Genially Group 4

    Video group 4

    Genially Group 5