• Union and harmony – summary of the 4th school exchange in Iceland

    “I only mention here that it was fun to talk with people from a few countries that are here because of the international project, National Prides in a European Context. It was a great opportunity to look at the important difference that has to be considered between healthy patriotism and chauvinism, arrogance and haughtiness that can lead to violence, threat and war if there will be no resistance. We Icelanders must understand and support nations that want to protect their cultural heritage, language and unique positions in union and harmony of others.” (Text translated and taken from the Facebook site of the President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, October 14th, 2019.)

    It sounds good to start with a citation from the President of Iceland. His words fit the aim of our project, National Prides in a European Context, perfectly. We sure need to be aware of our own culture as much as respecting the unknown. The project National Prides in a European Context helps students and teachers to break down walls and build bridges across Europe.

    The short mobility in Iceland took place in October 2019. This is the 4th time students and teachers from Spain, Sicily, Hungary, Poland, Latvia and Iceland had the opportunity to learn about cultural prides in another country. During this time in Iceland participants tried many new things and created memories that will last for a lifetime. As mentioned before the group visited Bessastaðir, the residence of the President of Iceland. The students got to meet Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and ask him questions, take group photos and taste some Icelandic cakes with the coffee or tea. The students had worked on questions in the morning after the welcoming ceremony and icebreaking activities at Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja. The question topics ranged from curiosity of the life of the President to global issues that concern us all. And as the President mentioned at Bessastaðir, we might have more in common than we think. Bessastaðir proved to be a good oasis from the rush of everyday life.

    Every day the student groups were given small tasks to solve and the questions for the president was one such task. Other tasks could be in the form of asking questions about the places on the agenda or taking photos of particular things on the way. The students could use this work to create their summarizing videos using the Quik app introduced in this short visit.

    The three days in Iceland went by fast. The participants visited the Museum of Natural Wonders of Iceland in Perlan in Reykjavík and had lunch at Mathöll Grandi at Reykjavík harbor, which today is Iceland’s largest manufacturers in the fishing industry. The group also had the opportunity to eat in a greenhouse at Friðheimar in Southwest Iceland and experience a different type of industry in Iceland – made possible because of the thermal heating. During the trip the participants got to see some natural wonders such as Kerið, Gullfoss and Geysir as well as visiting Reykjanes Geopark and seeing some of the places there.

    The agenda in Iceland also gave room for history. Places like Skálholt, Alþingi in Reykjavík, Duus Art and Cultural Center of Reykjanesbær were visited. And last, but not least, students and teachers went back in time at Þingvellir National Park, the only UNESCO site in the program. There the focus was on history, the reason why Þingvellir is on the UNESCO list and the surroundings of the Icelandic Parliament Alþingi which was established at Þingvellir in 930. The group also got familiar with old law books that are still, in some cases, readable for the modern Icelander.

    Everything must come to an end and so did this short visit to Iceland. Three days go by fast when you are having fun. The farewell dinner took place at Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja on Friday night. Participants enjoyed good food and music, certificates were handed out, and people danced and chatted to nearly midnight.

    Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja seemed empty on the following Monday morning.

    Here you can watch the Quik videos created by our students:

    NPEC school exchange in Iceland - group 1

    NPEC school exchange in Iceland - group 2

    NPEC school exchange in Iceland - group 3

    NPEC school exchange in Iceland - group 4

    NPEC school exchange in Iceland - group 5