Joanot Martorell I.E.S Barcelona Spain

  • Cleaning the school yard - Activity 2

    During the break, volunteer students and students under detention clean the school yard. It's more fun that staying in the detention room!

    Cleaning the trash that nobody sees (and people throw because their action goes undetected)

     Volunteer 13-year olds. Day 3



    14-year-old detention students on day             Trash collected on day 2



    16-year old detention students with their     Measuring the size of the trash on day 2.

    trash bags.


    Volunteer 12-year olds with their trash bags (day 1)


    Hiking and caring for the environment - Activity 1

    The 13-year-olds went hiking to the Collserola Park, which is the mountain above Barcelona, and seized the opportunity to collect trash.